Help with workout weights routine?

Hi I am new to lifting :) I just wondered if I could get some help and advice on how to go about achieving my goals.

I am a 5ft tall female, weigh 7 stone. When I gain weight I gain it a tiny bit all over but then a large bit on my belly. And its the opposite when losing it. Im very slender at the moment all over apart from my belly which still seems to be hanging onto fat!

Basically what I am aiming for is to cut down the fat on my belly and also to extremely hit my target of creating a lovely round butt by lifting hopefully. I have suffered with a flat bum all my life and having extremely wide high up hips makes it look ten times worse. So I know I want to start using weights to squat etc. Aswell as this I want to generally tone up most areas of the body so I look shapely and not just skinny.

So how do I go about all this. Is it possible I can lose some fat when just lifting ? Or do I need to incorporate some cardio in? I am eating more protein and have started doing my own glute workout routine every few days and on these days I take in more protein than normal. Once a week I am doing the 30 day shred workout.

A few of the glute exercises ive been doing are (sorry I don't know proper names to them all)

weighted close stance squats ( cant seem to feel it in my butt and I am only using light weights)
weighted wide stance squats ( once again cant feel it )
weighted side lunge (can feels this pretty good so I do more of these)
weighted lunge (can feel this well also)
weighted stiff deadlift (not sure if i am doing this exactly right considering the weights are light)
Weighted glute bridge
Weighted ankle straps for side raise on the floor (sometimes don't feel this so much in my butt more in the leg)
Weighted ankle straps for side raise with bent leg on floor (same as above)

I did between 8-15 reps for some I just went until it started to feel painful. And the weights weren't very heavy about 3kg for all of them apart from the ones with ankle strap weights which were probably 1kg. In total i did this routine twice

Im not sure if I should be going heavier to begin with or what? Would i feel it more if i did with the squats?
Also for chest i tried doing flyes and weight bench press i believe its called with 1.5kg in each hand.
Im also going to get some resistance bands to add to my routine. But can anyone give me advice on anything ive said? Am i doing any of this wrong? What would you do differently?

Please help and thanks :)