What is going on here? Period question for the ladies



  • ivyjbres
    ivyjbres Posts: 612 Member
    I've never had this happen with any relation to activity, but it does happen consistently when I'm under a lot of stress. There's a lot of reasons it can happen. My doc has always said as long as it doesn't increase in pain or volume, that there's nothing really wrong with it. You can address it with birth control if its inconvenient, but it shouldn't be harmful in itself. You may still want to get it checked out anyway, since there are a myriad of reasons it can happen.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I was on the pill for 13 years with no problems. Then one day, I started having two-week long periods and they were getting heavier and heavier with no other recent changes in my lifestyle. My doctor switched my pills four or five times and did blood work and I finally had to change my BC method altogether.

    I am very much in the same situation, as I was on the same pill for 12 years with no problems at all, and then (with no changes either) it just started being insane. What method of BC did you end up choosing? I've switched pills several times with no help. I've done some research, but am having a hard time making up my mind...

    I have the Mirena IUD now. I bled pretty heavy for almost 6 months, but now I barely have periods -- mostly just spotting here and there with maybe a day of heavier bleeding (and sometimes that isn't even a full day).

    Everyone is different. Some people stop bleeding much sooner than I did and have no spotting at all after a while. It's messing with my hormones now, but I really don't have a choice. The pills were not working anymore (as far as my cycle goes, anyway) and not being on BC isn't an option for the obvious reason and because my periods are so heavy and uncomfortable without it.
  • amietest
    amietest Posts: 57 Member
    It's probably fine, but call or see your doctor anyway. It's one of those things where the most likely story is benign and probably accurate, but you should rule out pregnancy and anything serious.

    Cramping and heavy bleeding were the only signs I had when pregnant with my second daughter, when I thought the odds were totally against me being pregnant.
  • k8ieP
    k8ieP Posts: 54
    I had the same thing happen this month. Thanks for all the info. I think it was due to stress and weight loss. I really appreciate the information about the fat tissue storing the hormones because that makes total sense to me (I am pre-medical).
  • hail87666
    hail87666 Posts: 176 Member
    amazing that i should find this post tonight!

    I started actively trying to loose weight 7 weeks ago and have lost a stone so far through healthy eating and lots of lovely exercise (where i previously did none).

    i had a stronger period than normal which lasted longer than usual, 2 weeks instead of 1.

    a week later after an extended run, i find that af is back, stays for a week again.

    goes away for another week and after this weeks hardest work out i start spotting the "old blood" and have been since.

    I have the implant (implanon) and got so annoyed i've got an appointment at the family clinic on monday to talk about it!

    I had a suspicion that it had something to do with exercise but didnt have the foggiest that it really could be anything to do with it!!

    Definitely go to Family Planning anyway - implanon is a notorious b*tch! I didn't have any periods or spotting at all for the first 18 months ....and then the flood gates opened. I had mine removed by one of the gynae doctors at work.
  • slieber
    slieber Posts: 765 Member
    I don't use anything and that happens to me occasionally, as well. I think, too, it might depend on whether you've spent more time with different females, as your cycles will start to align. Even if you're not spending more than a week in the same group, your cycles do try to adjust in the short time you're together.

    Stress, as well, can take a toll. Before I started working out, stress caused me to get mine just about every two weeks. Finally went to the doc to find out what was going on and that was the diagnosis. *sigh*
  • DisneySkaGirl
    I'm having serious period issues too!

    I've never been regular, but I'd finally gotten into a rhythm of an 8 day period every other month, give or take several days and usually connected to stress. Well, over the summer, I started a period right around the normal (for me) time, but it lasted 3+ WEEKS!!!! I got the run around from my doctors/insurance because I was out of my area at the time (I'm on TRICARE as a military dependent and was accompanying my husband on a TDY). I ultimately had to go to the ER and got a Rx for 10 days of provera (Medroxyprogesterone) which stopped the period as promised, causing a normal length period about a week later. Two months pass, I start spotting, which lasts for 5-6 days and stops. I think, "GREAT, a short light period!" Well, like 4 days later I start bleeding again, and it hasn't stopped! This is going on almost 3 weeks! I have a Dr. appointment tomorrow morning, and I guess the point of all this was to ask what you all would ask your Dr. I'm not on BC and never have been (for lots of reasons), so I don't really understand what could be causing this. We just moved and had a very busy hectic summer, so I suppose stress could be the answer, but this seems pretty extreme for that. They've tested my hormones and thyroid in the past and found nothing, so i just don't know what it could be. A lot of docs who I've seen just wanted to put me on BC without actually trying to figure out the problem or diagnose anything! I need to know what tests to demand before I just start taking whatever they give me to get me our of their office. Any insights would be awesome!
  • Harnad
    Harnad Posts: 4 Member
    Has anymore ever missed a period, or had it come very late, because of newly dieting and exercise???
  • slieber
    slieber Posts: 765 Member
    Yes. Mine changes with whomever I happen to be spending a lot of time with, too. In other words, if I'm in exercise classes, et. al. I might start to change to align with females around me. It's very annoying...
  • dixiechicdana
    i have been spotting for a month now...........ugh
  • SlimmingSarah
    So many people post about this. Its completely normal for your cycle to be messed up by lifestyle changes and until your workout/eating habits become regular, neither will Aunt Flo's visits.
  • 1113cw
    1113cw Posts: 830 Member
    Ummm.. weird coin-ki-dink... it was a full moon... actually something they call a "Super Harvest Moon". Next Super Harvest Moon will be in 2029, so not a regular occurrence. I'm about 5 days early this month.
    I should state that I don't usually reply to these threads because I can't stand talking about TOM, but mine was way off this month.

    Same here... way off this month and I'm blaming the moon and my stepped up running regimen!