There are no Support groups in London, ontario

I am so tired of battling this battle without any help from Dr's and Dieticians. Weight gain is an epidemic and yet everyone seems to have their heads FIRMLY buried in the sand. I go to the Physician today and she informs me that I will have to drive 150 kms to receive advice and be set up with a program that is not surgery based! I work in the medical field and it is obvious that weight issues are causing half of the overburdened health care hospital stays! I'm so angry that we do not have programs that are covered by ohip that are proactive in helping the people who are battling this disease of obesity. Why are our health professionals and our government allowing people to become sick with Diabetes, Hypertension, Kidney Failure, why why why! This is billions of tax dollars that could be shaved drastically if they would create programs to support natural weight loss with proper health professionals. Rant over...sorry


  • cynma
    cynma Posts: 76 Member
    hi, I hope you find what your looking for. But in the meantime, I belong to a group called TOPS> Take off pounds sensibly. I have belonged for two years. It is a support group that helps eachother with ideas, What works for others we have the odd gueat speaker and can run a meeting if you wish. You weigh in every week.Makes you accountable and keeps you on track. once you have lost the weight you still stay to maintain. I lost 27 pounds was at my goal and have gone up a bit because I was on vacation. just shows it works if you are willing to work at it. They have a websit look up we have two members who have lost over 120 pounds and many more who have lost 20,30, 40, 50 and up. we also have some who have lost 0. sometimes its how hard you want to work or you have a health issue or so many reasons. I personally took up Nordic Walking. Walking with sticks helped a lot. anyway I also live in London and if you would like to sit in on a meeting let me know I would be happy to meet you there. We meet once a week on Wednesday night. sitting in on a meeting is free. dues are two dollars a week and it is thirty something a year cant remember. There are other things you can go in on if you want. this is how we run, non profit so what ever little draws we have keeps us running. we also have awards, conventions its complicated to explain but free to check out on line or meet me for a meeting. Anyway I am looking for new mfp friends to support and support me so if you would like friend me. I live in northeast London and the meetings are on Wavel st. I wish you good luck as you continue your weightloss journey.

    Pounds lighter Cyn:flowerforyou:
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,003 Member
    Here's hoping that online support, even just here at myfitnesspal, can assist you!

    Truthfully, it is just calories in vs. calories out, so if you are tracking EVERY single thing you put in your mouth, you will be FINE!

    (I am sure you already know this, since you work in the medical profession....)
  • londonwoman67
    hi there, i am starting up a support group for a weight loss program in London Ontario, anyone interested can email me ...:)