Just another Binge eater...

I've been chubby ever since grade 4. I've gone up and down in weight all throughout my life, and food has always been my catch 22.

I'm sick of it!

About 5 years ago I finally lost all my weight via weight watchers, however I wasn't able to keep it off. I was going through a bad break up, and then out came the emotional eating - from there, it's a slippery slope. I went back and forth with weight loss after that... I seemed like I was on the right track at one point, and then ~~ I got pregnant and gained like 70lbs lol *smacks head* SO, now I'm more over weight than I've ever been, and it feels like it's terribly hard to lose.

I'm 5'2 and weight 169lbs I just feel sloppy, and so uncomfortable. I dread the summer time, and I hate my chubby girl attire that consists of yoga pants, bench sweaters, those tarp-like sweaters etc... This isn't me, but I can't find the motivation to just lose it. I don't even like to go out or do anything social because I feel uncomfortable. This isn't healthy, I know, but I can't seem to find the mental motivation.

I'm just venting... I bet you've all heard it a million times :P