Feel free to add me -

Hello, My name is Dotti. I'm a 24 year old woman from Southbridge Mass. I started this journey on February 26th 2014 and today is my two week anniversary. I have Lupus and other diseases and that's the reason why I want to lose weight. My starting weight is 261.2 but the biggest I've been is over 300 pounds. I take a steroid called prednisone to stop inflammation in my joints and organs so its very difficult to lose weight. I recently started walking up to 2 miles a day and started a program similar to weight watchers called TOPs. It's so wonderful being around people who understand why I'm over weight and understand that its going to take me a while to lose it. anyway feel free to add me on MFP to see my weight loss journey with Lupus! :) [DottiAlicea]

- Dotti Alicea.


  • maddiejp
    maddiejp Posts: 8
    wow, so awesome that you're starting your weight loss journey! It's going to take time (as does everything), but each step counts towards your health and fitness. If you ever feel like you're losing motivation/hope, I find that setting small goals helps a ton. Like with every 10 pounds lost, treat yourself to a shopping day, or buy that purse you've wanted for a while; maybe even a facial. :) it has/had helped me a ton. You're so awesome. You go girl! You got this and all of MFP is here to back you up and support you :)

    ps I added you ~
  • SoniaH2005
    SoniaH2005 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi Dotti,
    My name is Sonia and I have been struggling to lose weight i gained from prednisone use for Rheumatoid arthritis. I wwnt From 175 to 285 over a two year period. I hope to lose 100 pounds and regain the mobility i have lost. I will help support your journey any way I can