Food scale??



  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    I don't think you can get an accurate calculation of your calories without one. For example, I had a half a chicken breast last night, and I had preplanned my dinner based on the chicken weighing 150 grams. When I actually weighed it, it weighed 200 grams. The difference between those is 55 calories. That is an entire serving of veggies!!

    I weigh my pasta, my meat, and anything that is cut off of or taken from a larger item (ie: salami, chunk of cheese, chips, etc). I count my almonds and measure liquids and cereals. But the scale is definately vital to accuracy.
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    If you think you would use it, then it would be a good idea. I'm more of an estimater myself, and I've thought about getting one, but glad I didn't . I know it would be one of those things, that the first week I would use it like mad, and then it would end up in our cabinet never to be used again. lol
  • knittygirl52
    knittygirl52 Posts: 432 Member
    It's an EXCELLENT investment. Most of us tend to underestimate food quantities. Even if you don't use it ever time you prepare a meal, using it occasionally (either because you're eating something unusual, or just to double check) keeps you more honest. I'm still using one I bought from Weight Watchers in the 1970s. It still works (9 US pennies weigh 1 oz. in case you want to test one) and it keeps me on track. I don't take it to restaurants with me--there I still "guesstimate"--but if I were eating at home without weighing and measuring I can imagine that I would be overeating on a regular basis, and then wondering why I wasn't losing any weight.
  • messyhare
    messyhare Posts: 366 Member
    I sell on ebay a lil bit each month and I'm using my digital scale that I use to ship my packages. It works awesome and was super inexpensive (bought it off ebay too, brand new!). I highly recommend weighing your food. I was shocked to see what true portion sizes are. ESPECIALLY when I wanted just 1 oz of spaghetti noodles - what I thought would be close was actually 3 oz's! If I were just eyeballing it I'm sure I would not be losing weight as my eyeballs don't tell the truth...
  • runrgrrl
    runrgrrl Posts: 37 Member
    I bought a great food scale for 20 bux...its all you need to measure your ounces and grams, i love it and highly recommend it. I use mine quite a bit for meat and veggies...
  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    I bought mine 18 mos ago and still use it almost every day. It's not only good for me, it keeps everyone from overfeeding the dog as well.

    Digital scale with grams, ounces and a "tare" feature, with a larger capacity (I would say at least 7 lbs). The only thing I would have done differently with mine is get one where I could see the display more easily when I have a larger container on it.

    There is no way I could have achieved my success without it.
  • Bryan190
    I use my digital with tare function every day on all foods who's serving size is expressed in grams or oz. I keep a calculator handy to quickly compute number of servings:

    number of servings = weighed amount / serving size
  • angieskia
    angieskia Posts: 152 Member
    I LOVE my scale. It is VERY useful for WW cuz WW gives you the options of diff't sizes (oz & Grams). MFP not so much. If I input food by cup it usually more pts than if I used the ounces or Grams. At 1st I thought I'd never use it but now I use it all the time. I'm never sure If I'll get used to measuring by site so I'm glad I got it