Need Motivation?

Hey guys... I have a new Facebook page that is specifically for fellow fitness-minded individuals to get information, motivation, exercise help, and transformation inspirations (IMET Fitness & Bodybuilding)...

This is a very active page that will be a legitimate source of information and motivation to help you reach your fitness goals.

This page is for anybody who loves fitness and wants to transform from where they are now into a healthier, leaner, and happier person!

IMET will be holding several contests, posting motivational items, providing valuable fitness information (workouts, nutrition, transformations, etc.)

Please share this page with any of your myfitnesspal/Facebook friends who share your same passion or just want to learn more about living a healthier and leaner lifestyle...

Looking forward to providing you with a great professional page with enough content to keep you "liking" IMET Fitness & Bodybuilding... :happy:

Rob Farmer
