Best/Worst Part of Your Day

Cudleigh Posts: 188 Member
I want to know! What's the best thing that's happened to you today? And what's the worst?


For me?

Best, I won $10 on a scratch ticket!
Worst, there was apparently a shot glass down the drain when I turned the garbage disposal on...


  • BraveNewdGirl
    BraveNewdGirl Posts: 937 Member
    Best part? Food.
    Worst part? Walking to the market. I had to comb ice out of my hair and have a bit of wind burn on my face! Booourns!
  • Mello_Rello
    Mello_Rello Posts: 421 Member
    Best part...chatting with my vanilla kiss.
    Worse part....the pain I feel in my hams each time I attempt to rise or sit.
  • OcotilloFire
    OcotilloFire Posts: 233 Member
    Best part - my husband was on a roll with making me laugh
    Worst part - not completing my exercise plan for the day
  • graveflower316
    graveflower316 Posts: 169 Member
    Best -- getting a venti iced vanilla latte this morning
    Worst -- the rest of the day. (i got spit on in the face by one of my students, too!)
  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member
    Worst: Going to work
    Best: "Long shower" before bed.
  • mobrien0527
    mobrien0527 Posts: 412
    worst: the long period of time i had to wait before I ate, I was absolutely starving and I started zoning out and getting sleepy
    best: the mac and cheese I got to eat to end that period of time :tongue:
  • Inner_Goddess
    Inner_Goddess Posts: 1,146 Member
    Best - early am workout
    Worst - the hours between 730 am and 9 pm
  • khara2012
    khara2012 Posts: 1,051 Member
    Best: Will be when my husband comes to bed. :)
    Worst: Laying in bed waiting for him to finish his video games.
  • KatyAverill
    KatyAverill Posts: 166 Member
    Best - My 5 month old puppy had zero accidents today!
    Worst - The chicken that I made for dinner for my husband and I was awful...we ended up ordering a pizza :)
  • RhysWill_I_Ams
    Best was delivering my wedding invites today
    Worst was having to work a night sift 11pm-9am
  • dtimedwards
    dtimedwards Posts: 319 Member
    Worst: the doctor's office wouldn't take the insurance from my full-time job to pay for the physical for my part-time job.

    Best: Instead of my BP being "borderline" like my physical 2 years ago, today it was "perfect".

    So I guess in the grand scheme of things, paying $190 so I can make a couple extra bucks this summer, have a stranger squeeze my balls, and find out that all the time and energy I've been putting into diet & exercise is working isn't that big of a problem.
  • marvybells
    marvybells Posts: 1,984 Member
    worst: spans from the beginning of my shift at work up to when i got home and got caught in a downpour. the lock on the front door was sticking and it took me several minutes to get in the house.

    best: chillin' on the couch in my jammies after my shower, eating cheetos & chips and watching Goodfellas
  • VBnotbitter
    VBnotbitter Posts: 820 Member
    worst: the entire time I am spending at work (hate my job at the moment)

    best: having a vanilla slice for lunch instead of salad to cheer myself up

    Although I still get to finish work and go home so there may still be more best to come
  • darkrose20
    darkrose20 Posts: 1,139 Member
    BEST/WORST: b/f got a new (better) job. Best because: YAY! Worst because: he starts tomorrow and couldn't come out tonight for fear of being too tired.

    Also good parts of the day were emptying two more boxes, putting a bunch of stuff away, dancing and getting under calories.
  • katylil
    katylil Posts: 223 Member
    Worst part: my daily 5.30am wake-up call.

    Best part: my vanilla/coffee protein shake!!!
  • TLwineguzzler
    TLwineguzzler Posts: 289 Member
    worst: the entire time I am spending at work (hate my job at the moment)

    best: having a vanilla slice for lunch instead of salad to cheer myself up

    Although I still get to finish work and go home so there may still be more best to come

    Me too!
    worst: 9.00 am to 5.00 pm
    best: any time before 9.00 am and after 5.00 pm
  • marvybells
    marvybells Posts: 1,984 Member
    worst: getting screwed over at work.

    best: having someone at work stand up for me when they saw i was getting screwed over. either that or eating the chick-fil-a nuggets & waffle fries i had for dinner. it's a tough call...
  • unesemainedecruaute
    unesemainedecruaute Posts: 54 Member
    Best: Weather was a (so) nice today when I wake up that I decided to make the gym session AM today.

    Worst: When I got out, it was raining, and I had to come back home walking. On leg day.
  • SaintGiff
    SaintGiff Posts: 3,679 Member
    Best: Pizza from scratch

    Worst: Being so insanely bored that I dug up this thread.