


  • caellen518
    caellen518 Posts: 14 Member
    I am a huge diet coke addict - HUGE. I finally admitted to myself that drinking it was doing me no favors and have cut down to about 1 can a week, if that, and I always follow it up with a ton of water. After a couple of weeks I've lost weight must faster than I was previously, I've also noticed I've had much less tummy bloat at the end of the day.

    Green tea (with lots of lemon) has been helping with the caffeine withdrawal and sparkling flavored water drinks (Fruitwater is my favorite) help with my craving for carbonation.
  • jamesisaac108
    Tea helped me all but get rid of table sugar for good. Teavana stuff is so incredibly tasting that you don't really want to ruin the taste with sugar. It's a bit of on the expensive side compare to other teas but still cheaper than cans of sodas.
  • ElectricDame
    I've never been a big soda drinker myself, but I have a hard time just drinking plain water. I recently started drinking seltzer water with lime and splenda.. tastes fizzy and little sweet like sprite with no calories :)

    *edited for typo
  • kingscrown
    kingscrown Posts: 615 Member
    When I quit soda that first 6-8 months I got so sick of water, but now 2 years out I don't really no what my problem was. One just needs to get over the addiction. Now I love my ice tea and an occasional seltzer with lime, but I have no craving for the fizzy any more.
  • benlambrou
    benlambrou Posts: 42 Member
    Growing up we never got pop in our house other than once a week as a treat on pizza night. As soon as I had a job I would drink it nonstop. I would get a 2 liter every morning and it would be gone before lunch. They where cheaper than water. 99cents for a 2 liter or $1.50+ for a liter of water ( I still cant figure that out ) . Than pretty much just drank it all night. 6+ cans. So I know how hard it is to stop. I did though. I started with cutting back on how much i drank each day. Than switched over to diet pop. Orange and wierd flavors like that that did not taste like diet drinks. I even started using those drink flavoring packets for water bottles. Eventually I switched to ice tea. Now the only thing i drink is water and milk ( regular and almond). I do how ever will get a coke zero every once in a blue moon as a treat if we go out to dinner. I got kinda cheap over my years and hate paying $2+ for a soda when water is just fine for me. Main thing for me as I go through losing weight is just to make sure what ever i drink is calorie free other than milk of course.
  • dancer2u
    dancer2u Posts: 35 Member
    To be honest....I was drinking several cola's a day beofre MFP, but down to 1 a day now. I am still loosing, & doubt I will ever give up my one cola a day. If I plan on sticking to this, I don't want to give up all my cravings. If I stop loosing, then at that point will I consider loosing the pop.
  • Soapfan777
    I used to drink 2-2 liters of regular Pepsi a day. Later, I fell for the misconception that diet soda was better because it didn’t contain calories and a person couldn’t get fat. So I brought a case of Diet Pepsi from Sams which contains 24 – 24 oz. bottles and drunk 3 a day. I did this weekly and along with bad eating and exercise habits, I topped the scale at 202 lbs. All sodas will make you gain weight. I am down to one every couple of weeks. Yes, you could get headaches because your body is withdrawing from caffeine but stick to your plan and the headaches will stop.
  • Chickee8586
    Chickee8586 Posts: 155 Member
    Try adding some lemon juice and/or lime juice to your water just to give it a fresher taste. Less than a teaspoon of either helps me a lot when I get tired of water.

    I drank a diet soda with lunch for the 1st time in about 4 months. I felt bloated for the rest of the afternoon. Learned my lesson. If I need caffeine, it's iced tea for me.
  • zacsmommy101010
    zacsmommy101010 Posts: 20 Member
    Soda is definitely something that can cause someone to gain weight or have difficulty losing it. I used to drink 3-4 sodas a day to get through my day at work, thinking that I needed the sugar boost and the caffeine. I just gave up soda for lent (started March 4th in the evening) and I've already lost 9 lbs just by switching to water and making sure I get enough water every day. I did have headaches, but that's the caffeine withdrawal. I don't have caffeinated stuff at home because my husband can't have caffeine, and I don't like coffee, so it was really hard the first week when I really really just wanted a can of coke. BUT, now that it has been over 2 weeks since I had a soda, I feel better than I have in a long time and I really think it's because the soda isn't in my diet anymore and I replaced it with water. If I need something with flavor, I get a fruit juice or a vitamin water, but mostly I don't mind drinking water at my desk each day. I drink decaf tea at home and every now and then I reward myself with a McDonald's sweet tea because I do love sweet tea and still want a little caffeine here and there.

    If someone like me who drank at least 3 sodas every day can quit cold turkey, I mean it when I say ANYONE can do it! Good luck!
  • corbridge
    corbridge Posts: 81 Member
    I drink a lot of Kool-Aid sweetened with stevia. And if its caffeine you crave I do the same with my brewed tea, I just add a little stevia while its hot, so it mixes in good, then pop in the fridge for the next day. But the Kool aid quenches my soda urge. I havnt had a soda in over a year and don't miss it at all. I drink about 2 quarts a day.
  • ElvenToad
    ElvenToad Posts: 644 Member
    I quit drinking soda 2 years ago and switched to coffee. A couple weeks ago I was at a family gathering and drank a diet dr pepper. It was amazingly good. After I finished it I looked at the can, read the ingredients, saw it had aspartame in it annnnnnd that is the last diet dr pepper I will ever have.

    So the diet version is not always the best choice. Its tough to quit drinking soda but remember that sugar is addictive so if you do decide to quit, probably better not to drink it at all because after you have one you will start to crave another.
  • Ataraxia81
    Ataraxia81 Posts: 63 Member
    I used to be hardcore addicted to soda. I got to points where it was all I would drink most of the time. I could and would easily drink 2 to 3 20oz bottles of mountain dew a day. Now when I get a 20oz bottle, I drink a serving at a time and put it in the fridge. I fill up my water bottle and keep it with me the rest of the time. I can make a 20oz bottle last three days now.