New to myfitnesspal

Hi, I'm new to the site as I've been using it for a week now, and wasn't sure what to expect. I'm looking to lose another 50 pounds as I've lost 20 this past 2 months. however, i'm having a hard time staying motivated and could use some help. I'm still not sure on how often I want to work out but I know I was this weight off. Weekends are tough for me. Help..

I'm trying to bring sexy back, but it no hablo espanol.


  • jessicajm
    Welcome! Congrats on the 20!
    As far as weekends. I'm struggling with that myself. I have basically decided that I need to either pack little snacks for myself and eat simple if we are out. On that same note... I also like to do a lot over the weekends. So we are busy and moving a lot.
    You will figure out what works best for you!
  • nascow
    Congrats on losing 20lbs so far :) Week-ends are hard for me too. I just keep busy and eat small snacks. Eating fast food is stuff, but if you make healthy choices it isn't too bad. Good luck!
  • Topbobdog
    Topbobdog Posts: 55 Member
    If you are looking for motivation i would see if you could find someone in your everyday life to walk with you or workout with you. Personally i workout with my life since we are both in this together it makes it a lot easier. Also my weekends are off also. Its my free time so i end up spending it with friends or family which means im eating their cooking not my own which makes it tougher and also the weekends are my days off from work outs. So i upped my weekly workouts to compensate for my lazy weekends.
  • Robrowald
    Robrowald Posts: 64 Member
    Yo Dan,
    I have told you on many occasions that You can join me on the weekends for a good workout. I won't subject you to the terror I put my self through. Any weekend you want that extra push gimme a call.
  • bjpetey0306
    Hi! Congratulations on the weight you've already lost! Staying motivated is a challenge for me too! This site really helps me out because there are so many encouraging people on here! I've found the food diary really helps me out too... If you ever need encouragement or a pat on the back, just message me! I'm trying to make my weight loss as fun as possible and would love to help yours be fun too!
  • RubADubCub
    RubADubCub Posts: 12 Member
    Congrats on the 20 pounds loss!! Weekends I think are tough for everyone. I have to make sure to stay extremely busy just to avoid raiding my cupboards for snacks.

    This tool has actually helped with my weekend binges though as it really does help to make you accountable for every day of the week and you can see the impact that every food choice you make has on your overall goal.

    Best of success on this new part of your fitness journey!!
