Jumping on the horse again, and again, and again....

Ok, so I've been on this site for a couple years. When I first joined I lost 20 lbs. But then I lost all motivation and stopped working out, counting calories, logging on to the site. I gained 20+ lbs back on. Then I logged on again for a few more times, but then slacked off. I was told I have diabetes, and very high cholesterol. That didn't phase me one bit. But now, I definitely need to change my attitude and my lifestyle. My husband keeps telling me to just "do it" instead of talking about doing it. So now I'm beginning again. But this time, I'm not going to have high expectations. I figure I need to take it slow and steady, and one day at a time. But I need to get motivated again. My husband retires from the Navy this December, so I'm trying to lose some weight before then. Help!!! Maybe I can lose at least 20 lbs by then....we shall see.


  • annmarie001967
    I've done this over and over again myself along with many other programs. I know what to do now i just need to 'do it'. I'm taking it one day at a time or even one mean at a time. I have a very stressful job along with a hectic family life. I'm going to keep coming back to this site to get motivation from everyone else out there just for my own peace of mind and to take care of myself. One thing i am learning is that we are not alone. Good luck to you.
  • JulieFinn
    JulieFinn Posts: 52 Member
    Good for you, for getting back on the site! I have done the same, on and off, on and off. And I, too, am back on again. I wish you success, and I think you can get those 20 lbs. off by your husband's retirement date... very do-able. Looking forward to seeing your weight losses on this site!
  • terbusha
    terbusha Posts: 1,483 Member
    You can definitely do it! It just takes time and consistency. Find people to connect with that you can go to when you're struggling. Encouragement and support are SO important in succeeding at this (personal experience). I'd be happy to join you in your journey. Also, I help to run support groups through Facebook that are filled with people improving their health and fitness through regular exercise and proper nutrition. Everyone has the same purpose and is helping everyone else along in their journey. I'd be happy to get you added if you would like or chat more about it with you if you have questions.

    Also, do you have a plan for exercise? Have something that you can schedule out and put on a calendar. Treat it as an appointment with yourself that you cannot miss. It helps keep the consistency.
