Literally Allergic to exercise ....



  • brandiegirl16
    brandiegirl16 Posts: 372 Member
    does your gym have a pool??? maybe a swimming regiment would do the trick to get you over the sweat/hive connection you seem to be having.. best of luck. i am sure you must be super frustrated. Reaching out to a doctor for medical assistance could be very beneficial in the long run if the problem persists.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I think some more research is in store, or at least we might need more information.
    What is it you are allergic too? Or giving you hives? Could be what you are wearing maybe?
    I would suggest - would even a slow-ish walk outside work for you?
    Otherwise if cardio is out of the question, just lower your calorie goals.

    This ^^ It could even be something dietary that is being excreted through your sweat. See a specialist. Then see another until you get some answers. It's bizarre to need to an epi-pen because of your own sweat. Is it only sweat from exercise? Do you have to stay indoors all summer.

    But if sweat is the problem, then I'd suggest swimming or working out in the cold. I've gone for a 3 mile run in Winter without sweating.
  • klalexander08
    klalexander08 Posts: 3 Member
    Could it be something at that gym specifically that you are allergic to? Have you tried exercising in other places? Have you talked to your doctor about getting an inhaler? Are you allergic to sweating?

    I went through something similar as a kid except instead of the gym, I was allergic to my school. I had to get allergy shots every so often and there was talk about putting me on an inhaler. Once I was pulled out of that school my symptoms cleared up.

    Technically all you need is a reasonable calorie deficit to lose weight. So please don't feel stuck just because you can't go to a gym. I used to think that but now I know that's just not true. :smile: I'm sorry you have to go through this! Exercising is hard enough without added issues.

    I've been to several allergists and have been through tons of tests and other than cats and pollen nothing else makes me break out...I use latex gloves and harsh cleaning solutions at work constantly so I don't believe the hives have anything to do with the equipment or the solutions at the gym. Based on the comments I'm definitely going to begin strength training. I also am going to try to eat gluten free and see if that makes a difference! Thanks guys xx
  • klalexander08
    klalexander08 Posts: 3 Member
    Yesss good call