Dreaming about sweets every night?

KayBallin Posts: 111 Member
Hi all,

I've been a member here for a few months, but I'm just now getting serious about it. My dream is to lose fat and earn the 6 pack I've always wanted. :)

I'm wondering if any of you had dreams about food? This is my first time really paying attention to what I'm eating. I haven't had sweets in about two weeks but I dream about them every night! In a dream last night, I ate a brownie and felt bad about it. The night before that I had a large cookies and cream milk shake from Chick-Fil-A. I even wake up with drool all over my pillow. WTF? The thing is, I don't really miss sweets at the moment. I'll get back to eating them eventually, but I sort of want to cleanse my body first.

Is this going to stop? Does my mind subconsciously want sweets? LOL


  • Pirate_chick
    Pirate_chick Posts: 1,216 Member
    I can't say that I have had dreams about sweets. But I don't deny myself sweets either. I would never succeed. I like the Keebler 100 calorie fudge stripes packs as an occasional sweet, or ice cream sandwiches, 150 cal, or a soft and chewy granola bar, 100 calories, Rita's Italian Ice, 100 calories, Skinny cow Ice cream sandwiches, also 150 calories. Hang in there. Remember it's a lifestyle change not a diet with an end date. You need balance, going in whole hog and cutting out everything you love isn't going to last very long. Everything within moderation.
  • SarahxApple
    SarahxApple Posts: 166 Member
    KayBallin for February I gave up 'fake' sugar so sweets, chocolate, crisps, cookies etc... and I absolutely dreamed about cookies and I woke up feeling guilty, I think it is purely subconscious as I didn't crave them in the day, I'm not even a big cookie/cake eater generally. I can assure you it will pass and also by doing this you will develop a new found appreciation for fruit.

    Good luck!
  • acogg
    acogg Posts: 1,870 Member
    You have a lovely food diary, so I don't think your body is lacking/craving anything. Your subconscious is probably coming to terms with your new lifestyle. You dreams are a way of acting out your fears and coming to grips with them.
  • KayBallin
    KayBallin Posts: 111 Member
    Thanks for the replies! I love this community. I definitely see this as a lifestyle change and not a "diet." I will get back to sweets eventually, but for now I am not eating them because I am afraid that I will binge. LOL.
  • eldamiano
    eldamiano Posts: 2,667 Member
    Hi all,

    I've been a member here for a few months, but I'm just now getting serious about it. My dream is to lose fat and earn the 6 pack I've always wanted. :)

    I'm wondering if any of you had dreams about food? This is my first time really paying attention to what I'm eating. I haven't had sweets in about two weeks but I dream about them every night! In a dream last night, I ate a brownie and felt bad about it. The night before that I had a large cookies and cream milk shake from Chick-Fil-A. I even wake up with drool all over my pillow. WTF? The thing is, I don't really miss sweets at the moment. I'll get back to eating them eventually, but I sort of want to cleanse my body first.

    Is this going to stop? Does my mind subconsciously want sweets? LOL

    Only Smarties have the answer....
  • nomad1000
    nomad1000 Posts: 206 Member
    I dreamt about bread and baked goods when I tried the low carb thing for 2 months. Absolutely vivid dreams where I woke up thinking I smelled freshly baked loaves in the house. To me it was a sign that cutting out bread and carbs was maybe not for me.

    I got off the low carb thing and ate some bread and the dreams went away.
  • BartO81
    BartO81 Posts: 10 Member
    ... but for now I am not eating them because I am afraid that I will binge. LOL.

    I know the feeling. :)
  • jlahorn
    jlahorn Posts: 377 Member
    Purportedly, dreams are often about power, control, and helplessness (if they really mean anything at all. Really, who the hell knows if they mean anything at all :) )

    I dream about my teeth falling out, being lost in a shopping mall, and the fish escaping from my aquarium. I don't have fish or an aquarium. What I'm trying to say here is, there's a fair chance you're dreaming about loss of control rather than really dreaming about sweets.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    I have had dreams like that recently, but had not up until the past month or so!

    Usually though, even in the dream it's less about the actual eating and more about feeling remorseful like "OH man I shouldn't have had that many cookies, I need to log them...." haha In real life I do have times that I'll overdo it a bit but not like a serious binge and in my dreams it is more the latter. Not sure what it all means! I agree with the idea that it's probably about a loss of control.

    Last night I had a bunch of weigh-in dreams which I've never had before. I am nearing 1 year on MFP and really wanted to get to the next milestone of 70 lb lost. All this week I've been at that milestone but was hesitant to log it until it was sustained over 3-4 days (my usual M.O.) and last night I had a girls' night out and indulged (planned ahead). So I kept dreaming that I weighed in and instead of 190.4 which is what I've been seeing and was expecting this morning, it said 197 and I was all bummed.

    ETA: As for the sugar Q I do eat sugar. I try not to go over my MFP allotted amount, but I regularly indulge in small amounts of ice cream or chocolate.
  • Pirate_chick
    Pirate_chick Posts: 1,216 Member
    Thanks for the replies! I love this community. I definitely see this as a lifestyle change and not a "diet." I will get back to sweets eventually, but for now I am not eating them because I am afraid that I will binge. LOL.

    I know that feeling! I did the same thing until I discovered single serving sizes. They really are the only way I don't binge, be it pre-packaged, or I divide the bulk package up.