you are not alone

I want to let you know that you are not alone. when I first started my fitness journey over a year ago, I felt so alone. I didn't have anyone at home encouraging me to go to the gym or to eat better, so I knew if I was going to make a change I was going to have to be very strong because I felt so alone. Then I found a fitness group on facebook that literally changed my life. the people in this fitness group encouraged me, motivated me, and inspired me to keep pushing through to eat better and to get my daily workouts done. When I was down they lifted me up, when I had some small progress they congratulated me and they NOTICED me, I was no longer alone! If it weren't for that group I would have quit like the 100 times I had before in the past. These strangers have now become great friends and supporters of my goals and dream. I wanted to pay it forward as I knew there were more people out there just like me who needed that extra support and motivation. so I started my own fitness group. if what I just described about feeling alone sounds like you, I can help you to not feel alone anymore! I'd love to help you reach your goals. I've have learned a lot over the past year in my own fitness journey, and I'd love to help you. let me know. :-) Have a blessed day!