Eating well & working out, stomach gets bigger



  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,241 Member
    I didn't say it earlier, but should have, use a measuring tape as well. It will give a better gauge of your progress with your stomach than anything else but pictures, maybe even better than pictures people can often not see the progress that is actually happening.
  • Snap355
    Snap355 Posts: 9
    Track your macros and try some strength program. Try to hit your macros as best as possible. It'll be easier for you since you're not in the losing weight category.
  • michellewelch2010
    michellewelch2010 Posts: 147 Member
    Do you look 5 months pregnant when you first wake up in the morning? I am no expert, but I have had issues with this when I was at my lowest weight due to digestion issues. I found adding a fiber supplement helped. I really liked Greens+ because it was also full of vitamins.
  • NewLIFEstyle4ME
    NewLIFEstyle4ME Posts: 4,440 Member
    Hmmmmm....your issue may be THE OATMEAL?!?

    You post made me think of a book a I read a couple of years ago and every time I think about eating salmon or oatmeal...I forgot about the greek yogurt--I didn't follow the program--because it was so RADICAL against everything I've ever heard of or been taught about what's good for us to lose weight and become healthier, but I did get on the scale the day after eating salmon, oatmeal or turkey and EVERY TIME, consistently the scaled moved up higher the next day and I felt "bloated" after eating these things for sometime afterwards. Thanks for this post--I'm going to re-read this book again.... It's VERY controversial:noway: and totally goes again the grain of just about EVERYTHING what we've been taught about weight loss and healthy foods that have been ingrained into society that these fabulous foods that everyone touts as super healthy and good for us, but where she says these healthy foods that are making us's called:

    The Plan: Eliminate the Surprising "Healthy" Foods That Are Making You Fat--and Lose Weight Fast by Lyn-Genet's some reviews:

    Here's a description:
    In this revolutionary, New York Times bestselling book, cutting-edge nutrition expert Lyn-Genet Recitas reveals the surprising truth behind what actually makes people pack on the pounds. Carbs and portion sizes, it turns out, are not the problem. Foods that are revered by traditional weight loss programs, such as turkey, eggs, cauliflower, beans, and tomatoes, may be healthy in a vacuum, but when combined with each person's unique chemistry, they can cause a toxic reaction that triggers weight gain, premature aging, inflammation, and a host of health problems including constipation, migraines, joint pain, and depression.

    Oatmeal, salmon, Greek yogurt. Think these foods help you lose weight? Think again!
    Cutting-edge nutrition expert Lyn-Genet Recitas reveals the surprising truth behind what actually makes people fat. Cookies aren't the problem - the supposed "healthy" foods are. Foods like turkey, eggs, cauliflower, beans, and salmon and oatmeal may be healthy in a vacuum, but when combined with an individual's unique chemistry they can cause a toxic reaction that triggers weight gain, premature aging, and a host of health problems including constipation, migraines, joint pain, depression and eczema.

    I'm not saying this is "the gospel truth" or anything like that...but check it out--maybe it may help! You may not want to follow the plan as the book describes (I didn't), but maybe try eliminating these items for a day or so and see if you notice a difference maybe.