41 days into fitnesspal Sending Greetings

deup Posts: 129 Member
Well for starters from Canada :) and yes it is COLD lol.

Well i am 32 years old and got directed to Myfitnesspal from advice of a dietitian who has been great in getting me started. i been wanting to loss the weight that have gained over the last decade, but never really had the drive till i looked at myself in a mirror closely and didn't recognize myself anymore. i had already cut out cheese, 80% dairy products, process meats, and soda over a year ago but didn't see much change over that time but rather a lot of weight gain so i sought for advice and a push to get started. after a meeting with the dietitian on Jan. 31st 2014 i cut out salt, potatoes, white pastas, bananas from my meals 100% under her advice and started up a calorie counting on Myfitnesspal. One of the best things i have done, but not the most easiest thing neither. well as of last sat march 8th 2014 i lost 28..4 pounds and been pretty faithful to the count.

anyways my calorie count is maxed at 1580, however i aim for 1300-1400 and i am not entirely sure if that is starving my body or not. From time to time i will finish a meal then suddenly get a empty stomach feel *doesn't last long*. the one problem i am having is filling in those calories to keep above 1200 as strange as that sounds. i been keeping my meals vary simple.
i think i have opened up my profile for peeps to see.
i am looking for advice on meals vary healthy meals to make to mix things up i think the girlfriend is starting to tire of the simple meal life lol. and frankly so am i.

also looking to add friends for motivation and help :)

and thank you for any advice, friendship,

big wave from Canada :)