Looking for buddies

I prefer to only have requests from girls; as I am one but I'll add anyone so long as they are not creepy old men lol. I have multiple nick names but most call me Karol, krazy, krazy k or simply kk :tongue: :laugh:

Here is a copy of my about section:
I've struggled with my weight and eating healthily as long as I can remember.When I was about 12 years old I started gaining a lot of weight, I reached my breaking point when I was 15 years old and dropped 50 pounds in just a couple months. Ever since I've struggled with compulsive restricting and other crap but I'm still alive and kicking. I'm stubborn, bull headed and determined not to let life and my current issues drag me down.

Well that's the very basics about my dieting history.. as for just regular info on things we might have in common and my interests: I love music, my favorite genre of music is heavy metal, hard rock and classical type bands like the band Apocalyptica (hence my username). I'm also a bit of a gamer, spore, sims 3 and minecraft (I don't play mc much anymore). I love running, jogging even walking... but I hate going slow, even at the store (unless I'm pushing a cart) I am speed walking. I love the feeling of freedom going fast gives me, running and biking is epic, gonna stop there with it before I start rambling like a krazy person about how epic it is :laugh:

Feel free to message me, as you can probably tell I'm an open book and enjoy talking :tongue:
