Simple core exercise to try

First off, I'm not a PT. Second, what works for me might not work for you. This works for me. You need space for burpess to do this. It's like a burpee to side plank star.

1) Normal way
a. Start standing
b. Drop to push-up and do one push up, hold at the top.
c. From the push-up, move to plank (hold for 2-5 sec).
d. From the plank move to left side plank (your left arm is on the ground) (hold for 2-5 sec).
e. While staying in left side plank, bring your right arm under your body, drop your hip to the floor, then raise your hip and raise your arm (hold for 2-5 sec).
f. While still in that pose from e, lift your right leg to side plank star (hold for 2-5 sec).
g. Undo what you did to get back to your push-up position.
h. Do a push-up to burpee and start the whole process over on the right side.
i. When you get back to the push-up, you've done one.

Option 1, easier
a. Skip the burpee
b. Knee push-ups

Option 2, harder
a. Try 3 push-ups with a burpee on the middle one.
b. On the two push-ups without the burpee, keep one foot off the ground for the entire side plank movement.

I finish every workout with this exercise and it hurts in a good way. It's hard to describe so sorry if it doesn't make sense.
