Getting seriously down about losing weight

So I've been (seriously) trying to lose weight since the beginning of this year. I'm 5'4 and I've been bouncing back and fourth between a two or three pound weight since I started. (I started at 174 and now I'm always at 169-172ish constantly) After speaking with my nutritionist that helps me, I'm going to try and start a different macros diet (my daily intake will be 1800 calories, 140 protein, 168 carbs and 63 fat). I'm getting really down about not losing any though :/. I go to the gym as much as I can. (since I have two jobs and attend college) At the very least I always get in an hour of cardio and half hour of strength on Monday and Thursday and an hour of cardio on Saturday. I also am going to start attending barre class on Monday and Friday. I don't know, nothing seems to be working yet. Do I need more exercise? I have 28 weeks and 5 days until the event that's keeping me seriously motivated. I fear I won't reach my goals (lose 10-15 pounds and tone up my body). Wondering if anyone had any suggestions or if you could share some similar success stories so I know this is possible lol. Thanks xo


  • Anonycatgirl
    Anonycatgirl Posts: 502 Member
    Measure/weigh and track what you're eating. Most people here insist you need to weigh EVERYTHING. Honestly I'm not always that fussy and I'm losing, but since you seem to be stuck, try weighing anything that isn't a liquid.That's the best advice I can give. More than likely you're eating a bit more than you think, so you're maintaining rather than losing much.
  • Giddyduck
    Giddyduck Posts: 212 Member
    I too have been stuck in a plateau. I have essentially been between 169-167 at 5'7" since December 20th. I added in serious gym time (5-6 days a week) in January and still haven't lost any more weight. I will admit that I have lost a fairly significant amount of inches (9 inches) in 8 weeks. I can tell my clothes are fitting looser but it is very frustrating that the scale isn't moving.

    I keep going to the gym because I definitely feel stronger. I love lifting and hope that it means the weight will catch up. I eat 100-150 protein, I keep it on the higher side on strength training days. I eat 1500-1700 calories a day.

    I keep my dairy open but not sure it will help. I do feel your pain.
  • JoJo__Fit
    JoJo__Fit Posts: 258 Member
    No NO NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Don't get down get happy!!!

    It's a process & a slow one too

    Just don't give up and keep doing what your doing. You have to take those negative thoughts out of your head & start enforcing those positive thoughts.

    Keep telling yourself you can do this!

    There's always a solution to a problem and I will slove this problem !

    I love myself


    It took me 3 1/2 years to get where I'm at today. I weighed 175lbs and lost 30 lbs I don't care how long it took me because I will die trying to get to where I will be.
  • dwalt15110
    dwalt15110 Posts: 246 Member
    Your schedule sounds really hectic. Are you sure you are getting enough sleep? Also make sure you are getting enough water. I know people preach it, but sometimes we just forget how important it is.

    I went back to read what your goal is and it is really doable. Don't give up and don't get discouraged. Remember also to give yourself some positive self talk. Look in the mirror and give yourself a compliment and a smile. Attitude is everything.
  • dangerousdumpling
    dangerousdumpling Posts: 1,109 Member
    Interestingly I am stuck at the exact place where you are. I'm 5'4" and I go from 169-171. I used to worry a lot about losing pounds and it still gets to me sometimes. But I've decided to set different goals and work with what my body wants to do - not against it. If I eat a good amount of calories, about 1700 for me, and lift weights 3x per week and do a little cardio 2x per week I lose inches quickly. So my goals are no longer about weight, they're about size and fitness. The scale really gets me down. The tape measure makes me happy and helps me keep going.

    So my advice is to take your measurements, keep doing what you're doing, and check again in 4 weeks. If you've lost pounds that's great. If you've lost inches that's even better! If you haven't done either lower your calories by 100 per day and see how that works for you. Just don't give up! I know it's frustrating but you want to make sure that by the time your special event comes around you will have done everything you could.
  • sargessexyone
    sargessexyone Posts: 494 Member
    As unfortunate as it is this process takes time. Be proud of how far you've come.
  • Hang in there and try different things. I started in october last year and didnt lose a pound till january. It was so frustrating but I wanted it too bad to quit. I even had a doc apt scheduled to find out why when I finally started losing.
  • Also if you have taken a before picture do a comparison. I saw changes in that before I ever saw the scale change.