How Much Time???

2-3 days a week I will be doing yoga for around 30-40 mins. Sunday is going to be my rest day. I will have 40 minutes the other 3 days of the week to squeeze a gym workout in. I am trying to focus on weight/Inches loss. I am just wondering if weights or cardio would be more beneficial for me or what the split of time to do both for me would be? Any help is very appreciated:)


  • jlclabo
    jlclabo Posts: 588 Member
    opinions will vary, but i suggest weight training.
  • mschicagocubs
    mschicagocubs Posts: 774 Member
    Why not try both? I do ...

    Weight training 4 days a week, with a 10 minute warm up on the elliptical at a high resistance.

    I rest on Sundays. And the other 2 days I do HIIT training on the elliptical.

    I'm losing inches and building muscle.
  • sophieamhaley
    I would also say both, mixing cardio and strength is a recipe for success!
  • Eric_DeCastro
    Eric_DeCastro Posts: 767 Member
    you should schedule work outs, not squeeze them in.
  • Aeramis13
    Aeramis13 Posts: 135 Member
    you should schedule work outs, not squeeze them in.

    In a perfect world, sure, but that's not realistic for a lot of people. Squeezing it in when there's time for it is a great choice to make!

    Personally, I started pretty heavily on the cardio train and I regret skipping strength training for as long as I have. Search around here for things like Strong Lifts 5x5, Starting Strength, & New Rules of Lifting For Women (NROLFW) to learn a bit more about just some of the weight training options out there. From what I can tell, you'll love the results! (I'm only on week 1 of Strong Lifts, which is why I can't personally confirm the results just yet :)
  • bbcardlover
    bbcardlover Posts: 10 Member
    EVERYONE should be strength training and lifting weights. Its just a matter of how much lifting and what kind of lifting.
  • bmannen1
    bmannen1 Posts: 77 Member
    you should schedule work outs, not squeeze them in.

    Normally I would agee with you but at this time I am working full time then coming home and taking care of 1 year old twins . So really anything I want to do has to be squeezed in . I think case I will be going to the gym during my lunch.