
davischiky Posts: 45 Member
edited September 21 in Fitness and Exercise
How often does everyone work out each week?


  • Everyday so I can eat more! :)
  • H_82
    H_82 Posts: 418 Member
    At least 6 days/week. If I take more than a day off... it's hard to get back in the routine. So I try to do it religiously.
  • davischiky
    davischiky Posts: 45 Member
    LOL. Im trying to talk myself not hitting the treadmill. I have ran 3 times this week. I think I hear number 4 coming.
  • ♥_Ellybean_♥
    ♥_Ellybean_♥ Posts: 1,646 Member
    I workout 3X's a week with a personal trainer and 2-3x's on my own!
  • Well it depends on what excercise you are doing. 3 cardio sessions of no more than 45 mins each is good. then maybe 2 core strength and toning to compliment is good.
  • davischiky
    davischiky Posts: 45 Member
    Wow so I guess 3 times a week isnt sufficient?
  • peanut352
    peanut352 Posts: 75 Member
    Every single day for me. Biking, walking, weights.
  • I get atleast 60 minutes cardio a day. Alternating between distance running, power walking with a large amount of steep hills, dancing or basic cardio arobic type video's if the weather is miserable. I stength train 5-6 days a week working different muscle groups so that I never do the same two days in a row. Am going to start P90X in October :)
  • It all depends on you and your needs. As little as 20 minutes of cardio a few times a week is a great way to maintain a healthy heart. I personally do an hour of cardio 4 to 5 times a week. If I'm not sweating and breathing hard i feel like i waste my time at the gym. I also do 4 to 5 strength training sessions a week. Chest-arms-shoulders 2x, upper back 2x, and lower body once (i run all week so my legs get a workout constantly). My routine also varies. Some weeks i do 2 days on one day off or 4 days on 2 days off. It just depends on my work schedule and my recovery.
  • I am doing p90x so 6-7days a week.
  • It depends on your own fitness level and the intensity of your workout. For some 3 times a week with rests in between or shorter workouts to tone up are more than enough. Once your body gets used to that however you need to change it up, add more or better yet, change the type of exercises you do. Every BODY is different. I am not an athelete at all (though if you looked at me you might think I am) and I am 47 so I have to have a day of rest in between intense workouts or eventually my body breaks down, and I get sick.

    4-5 days a week most doctors say is best. The P90xers do it 6 daysa week which is Xtreme and you should not do it that many days all the time. Your botdy rebuilds the muscles (and makes them bigger) when you rest, not when you exercise.

    CFAITH_WARD Posts: 281 Member
    everyday....It helps keep me motivated.....I do not allow myself a day excuses for me or I will make excuses all the time and also I feel much better when I workout...the few days I haven't...I feel like crap.
  • brittonymiller
    brittonymiller Posts: 2,061 Member
    I usually get some sort of exercise in about 6 days a week. I like to take one day off, one chill day with a hike or a long walk, two days with mainly strength training and a smidge of cardio, and the rest hardcore cardio (for me anyway).
  • cardbucfan
    cardbucfan Posts: 10,553 Member
    5 days hard workouts, 1 day golf (not a workout but fun) and 1 day off.
  • 5-6 times a week is your best bet. But if your schedule only allows for 3 days a week -- THAT'S GOOD! Just make sure you alter your nutrition plan accordingly.:happy:
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