Front of Thigh Stretches

Hey ya'll,

So I started doing squats recently and while I love them, they make the front of my thighs really sore. The only stretch I know is to bring my heel to my butt and pull it a little. I know how to stretch everything else multiple ways but not the front thigh area! Are there any others that would help?



  • autumnblade75
    autumnblade75 Posts: 1,661 Member
    That's a great quad stretch - if you're not feeling it, you could try driving your hip forward while pointing your knee to the ground. I find that helps a great deal.
  • jlynnm70
    jlynnm70 Posts: 460 Member
    I had that issue too - I do the hurdlers stretch on the floor - that seems to help some too. all those ones we thought were silly in PE class - toe touch, hurdle stretch, butterfly (I don't know if these are the technical names, just what I learned them by as a kid) that I just keep moving.

    After a few days I was doing much better. (when I started squats - the next day I could hardly bend over to unload the bottom rack of the dishwasher - so I know what you are feeling!)
  • jlclabo
    jlclabo Posts: 588 Member
    sit on your knees with your heels against you butt. slowly lean back a little at a time with your hands on the floor behind you. great quad stretch. also any kind of toe touch will only help to promote tighter quads since you are effectively shortening them.