The Paleo Diet

What do you think of this diet? I love my grains so I don't think it's for me .


  • Rocbola
    Rocbola Posts: 1,998 Member
    I agree with the "no dairy" part.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    What do you think of this diet? I love my grains so I don't think it's for me .

    too much restriction in it for me...I love all food almost equally so it's a no go for me...

    ETA: it's not a diet's a lifestyle eating plan.
  • FoxyLifter
    FoxyLifter Posts: 965 Member
    If there's no medical reason to do so (doctor's orders), I would skip it. Your plan should be sustainable for life. Why make things harder?
  • nikkihk
    nikkihk Posts: 487 Member
    Eat what makes you happy or you won't be able to sustain it. I love meat so it works for me? BUT I can't not have a roll or bread or noodles etc. every now and again so I just choose better grain options and don't eat them excessively.
  • BrightonChick
    BrightonChick Posts: 48 Member
    I've not long finished trialing this.

    Personally I found the lack of carbohydrates gave me massive energy lows for about a week and a half until my body got used to it I guess, however I wasn't for one minute hungry. Felt like all I was eating was meat though and even though I love my meat and fish...I craved quinoa and cous cous. 4 weeks trailed and I did lose about 7lbs...Wouldn't repeat though only due to the fact I do love a bit of variation. Plus eating out was always a nightmare - there was only so many king prawn and avocado salads i could stomach :)
  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    It's not an eating plan that would be appropriate for my lifestyle or dietary needs.
  • hannamae05
    hannamae05 Posts: 5 Member
    I like grains, don't get me wrong. I also like junk food and all of the stuff that goes along with it. I'll even say that I love dairy - milk and ice cream specifically. I've been doing the Paleo diet off and on for the past few months. And while I haven't always lost weight in numbers, I've certainly lost inches and fat off my body. Personally, I actually feel better without the carb overload from the grains. Switching from cows milk to coconut or almond has been okay. It's different, so it's taken some getting used to, especially since I'm not a fan of almonds. Anyway, it's a good "diet" or lifestyle change. The longer you do it, the more you can get into it - mind set wise. Reading labels and being more aware of what it is you're putting into your body is a good idea. Do we really need all of the chemicals that are in processed food? Really, it's about eating real food, not something that comes in a box. So you're sticking to the outside isles at a grocery store - fruits/veggies; meats; eggs; and choosing coconut or almond milk. Both my husband and I did this for a month back in December, he lost 20lbs and I lost approx. 15lbs. I'd say that we're both eating paleo about 90% of the time over the course of a month.
  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
    I think it's silly
  • RockWarrior84
    RockWarrior84 Posts: 840 Member
    i agree with the not eating crap but everyone is different. Count your calories and you will get results as well on the diet.

    I still want to see a Paleo person hunt/gather their own food besides at a grocery store.
  • Eli716
    Eli716 Posts: 262 Member
    Meh, I think it's okay. I started on it and gradually added breads and diary into it. It's helped me quite a bit. My ticker is my proof, lol.
  • waterwing
    waterwing Posts: 214 Member
    I like the idea of it and dabbled with it a bit in the past. I find that it's tricky to maintain.. especially if you want to have any sort of social life...
    Balance is a good thing!
  • catherinehenry2
    I eat more Primal than Paleo because I do include some dairy, but it isn't just about eating meat all the time. I eat a ton of veggies(6-9 cups per day) of all varieties so i never feel limited in what I can eat. Sure, I do miss some wheat products and will indulge occasionally, but I physically feel terrible afterwards so it is incentive to go back to eating clean and grain free.

    I never feel hungry, in fact I feel full much longer because of the high fiber and protein and fats in the diet. I have a ton of energy because my diet is so filled with nutrients.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    I liked it during all of calendar 2012 when I was strict "paleo". It's an easy way to get a lot of the micros you need and food prep wasn't awful because I would make a lot of things in bulk. It didn't do anything magic though. I was actually bulking during that year and thanks to a calorie surplus, I added the 20 pounds I wanted to. (Strangely enough, when I cut in early 2013, I was decidedly non-paleo...but thanks to a calorie deficit, I lost the weight I wanted to lose.)

    Conclusion? I have none.
  • VegasFit
    VegasFit Posts: 1,232 Member
    I like the idea of it and dabbled with it a bit in the past. I find that it's tricky to maintain.. especially if you want to have any sort of social life...
    Balance is a good thing!

    Ditto. And I'm not a huge fan of dairy. But I have a lot of friends that follow it about 80-90% of the time and they occasionally do 30 day challenges. Works for them. To each their own!
  • lighteningjeanne855
    lighteningjeanne855 Posts: 566 Member
    Eating grains, rice, potatoes, and beans gave me the urge to stuff myself,
    and then I'd have to nap because my blood glucose would go 'through the roof'.
    Eating the Primal way (Paleo+Dairy) has helped me to lose 50 pounds
    without hunger or cravings.
    I suggest you go read around for how to 'ease into'
    the High Fat/Low Carb lifestyle. There IS an adjustment period.
    Some other places to browse are:

    Best wishes!
  • KoopaSix
    KoopaSix Posts: 252 Member
    Paleo diet is CRAP..the fact that crossfitters use it is CRAP. Contrary to popular belief your body's prefered source of energy are carbohydrates. Without them your muscles will appear flat due glycogen depletion and you will feel like crap. I cut from 221lbs to 164lb last year on a moderate carb diet, then bulked to 196lbs on a high carb diet and have never had any issues. I'm no different then anyone else. SELF CONTROL will get you to where you want to be. Hell I've been having fruity pebbles and poptarts while dieting and still burning fat. Why? Because I have self control and stay under my caloric's pretty simple

    At the end of the day its:

    Calories in vs Calories out
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    eh ..not for me ..I like my grains, dairy, etc too much and I do not believe in restricting foods..

    and if you can really figure out what the diet of "paleolithic man" was then more power to you and for it….

    I find the 80/20 rule to be better..80% healthy, 20% whatever I want = ice cream, cookies, cake, etc...
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Paleo diet is CRAP..the fact that crossfitters use it is CRAP. Contrary to popular belief your body's prefered source of energy are carbohydrates. Without them your muscles will appear flat due glycogen depletion and you will feel like crap. I cut from 221lbs to 164lb last year on a moderate carb diet, then bulked to 196lbs on a high carb diet and have never had any issues. I'm no different then anyone else. SELF CONTROL will get you to where you want to be. Hell I've been having fruity pebbles and poptarts while dieting and still burning fat. Why? Because I have self control and stay under my caloric's pretty simple

    At the end of the day its:

    Calories in vs Calories out

    how dare you inject basic logic and self control into this debate!!
  • KoopaSix
    KoopaSix Posts: 252 Member
    Paleo diet is CRAP..the fact that crossfitters use it is CRAP. Contrary to popular belief your body's prefered source of energy are carbohydrates. Without them your muscles will appear flat due glycogen depletion and you will feel like crap. I cut from 221lbs to 164lb last year on a moderate carb diet, then bulked to 196lbs on a high carb diet and have never had any issues. I'm no different then anyone else. SELF CONTROL will get you to where you want to be. Hell I've been having fruity pebbles and poptarts while dieting and still burning fat. Why? Because I have self control and stay under my caloric's pretty simple

    At the end of the day its:

    Calories in vs Calories out

    how dare you inject basic logic and self control into this debate!!

    I know right!..I should just unnecessarily deprive my body of a macronutrient that, although non-essential, my body being human and all......prefers for energy. Carbs=Glucose, Glucose=full muscles and energy. But hey what do I know..shrug

    People are so blinded by these gimmicks and don't realize the answer is right under there nose..a caloric deficit and SELF CONTROL...oh well, what can you do..
  • KoopaSix
    KoopaSix Posts: 252 Member
    If there's no medical reason to do so (doctor's orders), I would skip it. Your plan should be sustainable for life. Why make things harder?

    Wish there was a "like" button..