ED Recovery: how long for this bloat to recede??

I'm aware it's different for everyone. I've actually taken the time to think about what caused me to lose my weight (depression and lack of food around the house i was in). to be fair, I believe the term is orthorexia. I rarely restricted.. I think I only started to restrict and go down rapidly in my weight (post depression was 145, depression was a month or so, i did eat here and there and never restricted. afterwards close to 120, then i began to exercise and eat variety and healthily. weight still went down. still not sure why.) i have been on the path to recovery for a solid week now and have dealt with an annoying and somewhat embarrassing bloat in my tummy. the last i weighed myself to be sure i wasnt near 80 something was 97.6. it was a shock but at least I wan't lower. and I've been eating a little more and adding more variety than I have in the past 2 months. my question is, how long might this bloat last and what can/should I do to eliminate it entirely? any and all advice is appreciated. :)


  • impyimpyaj
    impyimpyaj Posts: 1,073 Member
    Are you under the care of a doctor? If not, you should be.
  • RobsGirl_lds
    RobsGirl_lds Posts: 211 Member
    It takes time the toy adjusts slowly. It may take a month or two. You said you have added in new foods. Some comon intolerances people have are dairy that can cause gas bloat.