Motivational Womens Beachbody Hybrid Challenge Group!


How many beachbody programs do you have? I have so many! Why not have 1 big group for women all over to do hybrids, or any program they want? I am looking for some ladies who have beachbody programs and are willing to jump in and create a 60 or 90 day hybrid to see how the results go! Who's in? I have done hybrids in the past and loved them! This will be a Facebook group so that it is accessible by cell phone - Once I have enough ladies to make an awesome group we will start! I am more than happy to help with the hybrids :) send me a message or add me :)

I am currently doing P90x3 and Love it! I will be changing to T25 (Alpha-Beta-Gamma) for a few weeks for a challenge then back to P90x3 - I also have Insanity, P90x2, Body Beast and Brazil Butt Lift :)


  • msbklynfrankie
    I think I may be interested. What's a hybrid or how does it work? Is it just rotating to another program when you've completed one?
  • caveninit
    caveninit Posts: 153 Member
    I have P90X3, T25, Slim In 6, HipHop abs, Rockin Body, Insanity, and Les Mills Combat
    I like to do a few days of one and then switch to another...whatever I'm in the mood for on any particular day.
  • AllieRoyerA
    AllieRoyerA Posts: 69 Member
    "I have P90X3, T25, Slim In 6, HipHop abs, Rockin Body, Insanity, and Les Mills Combat
    I like to do a few days of one and then switch to another...whatever I'm in the mood for on any particular day."

    I like to switch up my programs and I have found that I get the best results from hybrids as opposed to 1 program - that is just how my body reacts - I just ordered T25 and Brazil Butt Lift and I am thinking of combing the two with some of the P90x3 dvds :)
  • AllieRoyerA
    AllieRoyerA Posts: 69 Member
    "I think I may be interested. What's a hybrid or how does it work? Is it just rotating to another program when you've completed one?"

    A hybrid is just combining workouts from 2 or more programs. As a rule, you would want to complete the entire program of lets say t25 and the program of p90x3 before making them into a hybrid. I had done an Insanity, P90x2 and a body beast hybrid for 30 days to see how my body reacted - but before I had done a full round of Insanity, and 1 month of P90x2 but not body beast before hand.. quite often I will "google" hybrids, like t25 and 21 day fix - just to see how other people had "blocked" them, meaning how they had paired the workouts - and seeing their results to give myself a base to work from - but there is no wrong way to do a hybrid - I wanted to shed some inches so I mixed 3 cardio days, 2 resistance, 1 strength and my rest day was yoga :)