Better show? True Blood or Walking Dead ?



  • savannahribeiro
    savannahribeiro Posts: 194 Member
    I really liked True Blood in what I call its "Prime" (Seasons 1-3). I was always into vampires (No, I don't consider Twilight to be a vampire book), even when I was really small. I loved the blood, the sex, etc.
    The Walking Dead, while it is a good show for those who are into it, I couldn't get beyond the first couple episodes.

    So, True Blood for this Fangbanger.
  • cad39too
    cad39too Posts: 874 Member
    Have to give it to True Blood, cause I haven't watched Walkin Dead. I just can't do Zombies....I'm a bit of a punk like that :blushing:
  • magtart
    magtart Posts: 161 Member
    Walking Dead and Breaking Bad are the only two TV shows that ever made me sit up in my chair and yell at the TV, so I've gotta say Walking Dead. I kind of forgot about True Blood and haven't watched it since the Fairy grandpa thing started.
  • lucyloutoo
    lucyloutoo Posts: 522 Member
    True blood is trashy and gets more ridiculous with each season..... this is why I love it...Oh and all the eye candy.

    The walking dead just didn't do it for me, no amount of blowing away zombies can distract me from the fact that it's Egg (you brits might know what I mean).

    I didn't like Dexter either though...maybe just not trashy enough.......
  • Xsadia
    Xsadia Posts: 20 Member
    True Blood every time! ;)
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