

  • nikkijennings
    nikkijennings Posts: 130 Member
    I NEVER go out for lunch, which means not only am I in control of what I put in my mouth but I also save a fortune!!!! :wink:

    I too plan my work food for the week.

    It goes into a little box in my locker on a Monday!!!! This contains:
    Porridge oats or granola for breakfast (pre-weighed into 40g portions so I don't over serve myself.
    Soup at lunchtime, cos it's seriously rare I get even a ten minute lunch break as I am a trainer/facilitator and have clients with me all day.
    As well as a selection of 100 calorie type snacks or various types and fresh fruit on my desk.

    I also stick to drinking water ALL day, even though there is a FREE ground coffee/ cappucino/ mocha/ chocolate/ chocomilk etc machine in our office 5 steps from my desk :drinker:

    I then come home and eat a "real" meal.

    If I'm honest- a TINY bit of planning actually makes my life EASIER!!!!

    I too have children, am at work roughly 10/12 hours a day as well as being a carer to my mum. I have an underactive thyroid/ ME/ CFS/ Fibromyalgia.... NO MORE EXCUSES!!!!!! Just find yourself a solution..... meant in a nice way honestly :smooched:
  • 1QueenB
    1QueenB Posts: 227 Member
    Check out eatbetteramerica.com and cookinglight.com has great recipes, I am also fighting the high blood pressure, but since I've started MFP I have gotten my pressure down from high risk to low risk, I am moving toward no NO RISK and NO MEDS!!! Hang in there girl, you are worth the effort and time it takes to be healthier. There are plenty of chair exercises too if you can't stand for long periods, plus if you can walk, girl that works wonders!!!!! Good Luck and if you like, friend me!
  • angelbearfoe
    I keep a baggie of Multigrain cheerios at my desk. I found if I eat them dry that I get the crunch and chewing I think I need. Also they fill me up fast so I can make a better choice and not be sooooo hunger.