People who've had gall bladder attacks?



  • palmerdanielle
    palmerdanielle Posts: 341 Member
    I agree absolutely, as soon as I found out it was gall stones I agreed with my doctor for him to set up a consultation with a surgeon. I'm not sure how long it will be until I get in, but at least things are underway.
  • meritage4
    meritage4 Posts: 1,441 Member
    Be grateful that you live in Canada with our univerdal healthcare!

    I posted my story earlier-one attack and then appointment to have it out. Surgery scheduled 2 months later and deed done. I didn't add that gallstones were noted on my first ultrasound 5 years earlier with no symptoms. It wasn't until baby 3 was crawling that my attack came.
    An acquaintance ended up with a long hospital stay. Her gall bladder burst and the resulting infection almost killed her. Into ICU she went.
    It was really scary for her-her new baby-and her family-but all was well and after her recovery it sure made my surgery look like a walk in the park.
  • salvationsdying
    salvationsdying Posts: 205 Member
    I started having then when I was prego. First one I was laying on the couch with my fiance and I had my head on his leg. I set up to go pee and got this sharp pain. I assumed I just moved to fast. Half hour later I couldn't breath without gasping because it hurt so bad. Second one started with a minor pain and spread. On and on. By the last one it started small but I was pretty sure what was happening. With in minutes I was once again reduced to gasping for air, it hurt from front to back, from midsection to my shoulders to my chest. I was throwin up orange/yellow goo. Needless to say I no longer have a gallblader(last attack was a month after I had my daughter. It was removed less then a week later).

    It always started right by mu ribs on the right side. And would spread. They never did find stones in my gallbladder(even after removal. The first 2 times I had a attack the basically told me it was growing pains to suck it up. The last attack I went to 2 hospitals. The first one thought I just wanted pills because I had just had my daughter via csection a little more then 3 weeks before. So he flat out told me there was nothing in my ultrasound and he wasn't perscribing me anything. Needless to say I flipped my lid cuz I didn't even get the scrips from my csection I went to another hospital told them what was going on and they removed it, thank god)

    Good luck! I wouldn't wish a gallbladder attack on any one. Oh and heads up, cause no one told me.....your right shoulder will feel like someone twisted it behind your back and held it there. Mine hurt for days after.