
Hi Everyone:

I am new to his site. Hopefully, I will have it down by the end of the week and get started on the recipes you all have sent in. I am from New York Upstate, but lived in Phoenix, Arizona.

I have 1 daughter and 2 grandchildren and have been married 23 years. I love join my girlfriends for lunch and eat, eat, eat.

I work different hours and shifts, so it makes it hard for me to control my food portions and not eat a dinner for lunch or dinner for dinner everyday. I love to cook! Hope to meet and get support and information from you all. Talk to you soon.


  • suzikelley
    suzikelley Posts: 210 Member
    Welcome to MFP! You've found the right place to help you accomplish your goals! :-) It's all about mindset - it helps me to only keep healthy options in the house, and I measure EVERYTHING! If I just try to "eyeball" my portions, I almost ALWAYS over estimate. Packing your lunch/dinner to take to work will help you out A LOT!! When you meet your girlfriends for lunch, try to pick restaurants that have healthy options on their menu and plan ahead what you will eat. Good luck! You can do this!