Regarding needing some advice

Thanks to all the people who gave great advice with my "taking niece to the movies and don't want to binge" problem. We are getting ready to go and I armed myself with a 100 calorie bag of pretzels and a bottle of water. Plus I had a nice, healthy filling dinner so I am full.......... I appreciate all of the words of wisdom.


  • rosef17
    Enjoy your evening with your niece! :happy:
  • ekoepke413
    Movie night was a success.... I bought a bottle of water and had a bag of 100 calorie mini pretzels in my pocket. I did have a few kernals (and I mean about for or five) of her popcorn but nothing like I used to. I am happy with it and proud of myself but couldn't of done it without all the great advice and suggestions from you guys. Thanks!