Asda food scale 97p

just went to asda and had a quick look at the food scales to see how much they were and they had a smart price food scale for 97p
bargin picked it up and now can start this food logging properly so excited
its not digital but seems accurate and its great if on a budget like i am
so check out your local asda people no more excuses :D


  • freemystery
    freemystery Posts: 184 Member
    Oooh I think I'll take a look this weekend! I was thinking of getting a second scale- I know this sounds so awful but I sometimes feel like I need one when I'm at work. The temptation for me is to say oh I don't know how much there was, I only nibbled a bit so I won't bother logging.

    If every time I went to get another little snack I could actually see that's 10g of cheese or 20g of m&ms, that's x cals now LOG IT I feel like that would be a good reality check for me!

    Thanks for the heads up!