Gimme names!

We rescued a semi feral cat several months ago-who promptly got back outside and got knocked up by a resident tom.

Well, MiniMuffin is now mostly tame, albeit slightly insane. And this morning we woke up to the sound of new life.

There was one stillborn, one nursing happily, and three that had fallen behind a pile of miscellanious tools in our junk closet where Muffin couldnt reach. Ice cold, barely with us.

We roughed them up and everyone is fine now. But, since every "wanted kitten" ad is asking for barn cats, oops i ran over my kitten and need a repkacement, or we have a mouse problem cat.....the kittens are staying. Permanently. (Because three dogs, 41 chickens, 24 hatching eggs, and 9 cats is definately not too many....)


As of now we are iffy on gender, but we have:
Two gray tabby/white (one may be calico)
One orange tabby (may be calico)
One orange tabby/white (may be calico).

For the sake of simplicity-boy or girl names (this is always fun since all 41 chickens are also named and ive had pets for 23 years without reusing names!)
