Unsupportive friends and family.

Hi Everyone

Hope your weight loss journey is going well!

So I have a problem...My family and friends are being so unsupportive with my weight loss, one of the main problems being they say I don't need to lose weight when in reality I need to lose 28lbs to be a healthy weight. Being only 19 I haven't moved out of my family house yet and am still subject to my mum buying unhealthy food and storing them in easy reach (I am no good when it comes to temptation). I even go food shopping and suggest buying healthier alternative but we don't have a lot of money so my mum tends to buy the cheaper, unhealthier stuff. I also don't earn a lot of money so its not as if I can buy my own individual food.

Anybody got any healthy/cheap snacks or meals they could share?

Also my friends and I are very social and enjoy going out for meals, I have suggested instead going for walks, exercise classes/gyms and things that doesn't mean we will be eating but nobody ever wants to do that, what can I suggest?



  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    you just need to be in a deficit to lose weight... so just eat a little less than you used to.
  • lightmouse
    lightmouse Posts: 175 Member
    It is hard when you are living with others - I know I struggled at first when my boyfriend and I moved in together (thankfully he's come round to my way of eating....during the week anyway :laugh: ) It must be harder when you are still at home and have even less control over the shopping.

    You could ask for smaller portions if you are eating with the family. Weigh foods so you know exactly what you are eating. You could also look at a way of eating called "If It Fits Your Macros", which says that you can pretty much eat what you like as long as you hit your macro goals for protein, carbs and fat. This could be easier for you to follow than just trying to eat "healthy" foods 100% of the time. As for temptation because of the naughty food items your mum buys...you will just have to work on your willpower!

    When eating out, look online for restaurants that show the nutritional value of their menu and make sensible choices.

    Good luck :flowerforyou:
  • Iknowsaur
    Iknowsaur Posts: 777 Member
    That sounds tough /: All I can really suggest is that you have a very serious talk with her about, maybe even with your doctor so he can verify that you could in fact stand to lose some weight (I have no idea if you do or not.)

    I'm really lucky, and my boyfriend has all but given up junkfood while at home. The one downfall is that if I even hint about having a craving for it, he brings it home. Bleh. We're working on it!
  • Iwishyouwell
    Iwishyouwell Posts: 1,888 Member
    If you do this for anybody else's validation, if you put anybody's input above your goals, you will fail.

    Many people are facing weight loss without support. You have to dig deep and do it anyway.

    If you truly don't have access to more nutritious food, you're going to have to eat what you're eating now, just less of it.

    Be careful. A lot of people have used the "unsupportive friends/family" excuse as their reason for not reaching their goals. But ultimately it's not anybody elses' responsibility what you put in your mouth as a legal adult.
  • Lisa1971
    Lisa1971 Posts: 3,069 Member
    Is your mom overweight or unhealthy? Maybe try talking to her about getting healthy and no so much losing weight. I have the opposite problem. My parents are health nuts and just going to their house I can't find an ounce of junk food! LOL!:laugh:
  • lightmouse
    lightmouse Posts: 175 Member

    I'm really lucky, and my boyfriend has all but given up junkfood while at home. The one downfall is that if I even hint about having a craving for it, he brings it home. Bleh. We're working on it!

    Hahaha - THIS goes on in our house too :laugh:

    Although in the last month, when I got my body fat % to the point where my abs are becoming noticeable, he has suddenly decided he wants to eat like me and it is SO much easier now...especially as he is a FAR better cook than me :tongue:
  • Amanda_Gx6
    Amanda_Gx6 Posts: 320 Member
    That is a tough spot to be in. Try to do little things as you are on a budget like while at home doubling up on veggies, try not to snack and when you do try to go with the "healthier" alternative. As for eating out with friends you could always opt for the salad. Try to reach out and find some people in your area who would like to go for walks/hikes or just go try an exercise class on your own. Support is nice but in the end you just need to find ways to motivate yourself.
  • Supertact
    Supertact Posts: 466 Member
    Eat smaller portions. I too have very little support but I manage.
  • newpalfan
    newpalfan Posts: 17 Member
    For now, just make sure you are under your daily calorie requirement and try to get out and walk, or other form of exercise. You will lose weight. As the weight starts to drop, keep focused on what you can do and do not listen to the others.

    Try to stay away from junk food, such as chips or candy, and focus on remaining under your daily calories. You will do great!

    Good luck!
  • leggup
    leggup Posts: 2,942 Member
    There are some cheap foods that you can afford/easily have your mom add to the grocery list without causing a fuss. Think frozen vegetables, soups, and then supplement with the unhealthy stuff in smaller portions. One 1 lb bag of broccoli can be as cheap as $1 and keeps for ages.

    As for eating out with friends, loads of chains have come out with more nutritious options. If you don't want to be left out, order an appetizer as a main, order the salad, or get the big fatty entry and only eat half. Take the rest home in a doggy bag. Or go for a run before you go out. You may have to go on solo hikes for now.