1300 daily calorie goal - too little? trying to lose!

Hey MFP'ers! Looking for some advice since I am new to the program. I am 27 yrs. old, 5'5" and weighing 200 lbs. Looking to lose 50lbs the right way.

When I set up my account I put in that I wanted to lose 1.5 lbs a week and it automatically put me at 1300 calories a day. From reading other postings it seems that 1200 (and even 1300) is not enough calories?

As far as my activity level - I do a bootcamp 2 times a week, running one day, and a strength training class on Saturdays (4 days at the gym total per week). Outside of that I work a desk job.

I have been doing this excersice and calorie regimin for a couple of weeks and have lost .7 lbs (not very happy about that) and would love to hear from the group on tips or how I should move forward.

Looking to grow more support so feel free to add me as well :)



  • donyellemoniquex3
    donyellemoniquex3 Posts: 2,384 Member
    Hey MFP'ers! Looking for some advice since I am new to the program. I am 27 yrs. old, 5'5" and weighing 200 lbs. Looking to lose 50lbs the right way.

    When I set up my account I put in that I wanted to lose 1.5 lbs a week and it automatically put me at 1300 calories a day. From reading other postings it seems that 1200 (and even 1300) is not enough calories?

    As far as my activity level - I do a bootcamp 2 times a week, running one day, and a strength training class on Saturdays (4 days at the gym total per week). Outside of that I work a desk job.

    I have been doing this exercise and calorie regimen for a couple of weeks and have lost .7 lbs (not very happy about that) and would love to hear from the group on tips or how I should move forward.

    Looking to grow more support so feel free to add me as well :)


    Start in November.
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    It's important to remember that with MFP the site expects you to log your exercise and will add calories to your goal as you earn them. This is what most people talk about when they say that 1300 is too low for someone who's active. You should be eating back at least a portion of those earned calories.

    A few things to watch out for. If you're just getting active now, you're likely holding onto some extra water in your muscles to help cushion and repair them. Sometimes this causes a stall or even a slight gain on the scale when you start a new exercise routine or increase an old one.

    And you need to make sure that you're actually eating 1300 calories. If you're not currently using a food scale, you might consider getting one. Measuring cups are better than nothing, but they still aren't all that accurate for certain foods. A lot of people find that they've been eating more than they realize once they switch to the food scale.
  • KarenJanine
    KarenJanine Posts: 3,497 Member
    Are you eating back your exercise calories? And if so, how are you measuring your calorie burns?

    Do you accurately weigh, measure and log everything?

    With 50lbs to lose you may be better off with a 1 lb weight loss goal. This will give you a higher calorie allowance which is more likely to be sustainable long term.
  • cerumens
    cerumens Posts: 45 Member
    This thread was the single most important thing I have read on here. My weight loss was near zero while eating 1200 and running a 5K - 5 times a week- and doing body weight exercises. I now eat around 1600 and am loosing regularly:
  • hkied
    hkied Posts: 46 Member
    my cal is set for 1200, some days I can do it others I cant but it is all my fault cause I eat very baddly. I think you should keep truckin on and possibly re-evaluate your eating and exercise... I mean I did zumba but didnt break a sweat so really I could of worked harder. you see what Iam saying... they say you seriously need to way your food and make sure cal. is correct. you will figure it out. friend me if you like, but I wont be on for about 3 weeks i am leaving for mexico.
  • nikkylyn
    nikkylyn Posts: 325 Member
    Will you be able to stick with 1300 for a good long while. Probably not. Change it to 1lb a week. I would guess that would put you closer to 1500. 1300 will do you no good if you eventually burn out. Its a gradual process.
  • 1princesswarrior
    1princesswarrior Posts: 1,242 Member
    It's important to remember that with MFP the site expects you to log your exercise and will add calories to your goal as you earn them. This is what most people talk about when they say that 1300 is too low for someone who's active. You should be eating back at least a portion of those earned calories.

    A few things to watch out for. If you're just getting active now, you're likely holding onto some extra water in your muscles to help cushion and repair them. Sometimes this causes a stall or even a slight gain on the scale when you start a new exercise routine or increase an old one.

    And you need to make sure that you're actually eating 1300 calories. If you're not currently using a food scale, you might consider getting one. Measuring cups are better than nothing, but they still aren't all that accurate for certain foods. A lot of people find that they've been eating more than they realize once they switch to the food scale.


    Read this: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/872212-you-re-probably-eating-more-than-you-think

    ETA: You might want to consider a heart rate monitor to track calories burned as MFP is notorious for overestimating burns or don't eat all of your exercise calories back, maybe half of them.
  • UsaJewels05
    UsaJewels05 Posts: 229 Member

    I am 5'11, 216lbs, 31 yrs old. My calorie goal is set at 1800 and I work out about 5 days a week, but I do not eat my calories back. So it is really just how you want to have it set up. But yes I would think that if you are only eating 1300 and not eating back any Exercise calories that you are not eating enough.
  • aquiva33
    aquiva33 Posts: 85 Member
    Hey MFP'ers! Looking for some advice since I am new to the program. I am 27 yrs. old, 5'5" and weighing 200 lbs. Looking to lose 50lbs the right way.

    When I set up my account I put in that I wanted to lose 1.5 lbs a week and it automatically put me at 1300 calories a day. From reading other postings it seems that 1200 (and even 1300) is not enough calories?

    As far as my activity level - I do a bootcamp 2 times a week, running one day, and a strength training class on Saturdays (4 days at the gym total per week). Outside of that I work a desk job.

    I have been doing this excersice and calorie regimin for a couple of weeks and have lost .7 lbs (not very happy about that) and would love to hear from the group on tips or how I should move forward.

    Looking to grow more support so feel free to add me as well :)


    We have about the same amount to lose; feel free to add me.
  • becs3578
    becs3578 Posts: 836 Member
    I'm... NO EXERCISE AT ALL number is 1300.... and I only have 1 rest day a week. So the other 6 days a week I eat back a portion of my calories. When I joined MFP about a month ago I was working on my last 13 lbs... 5 lbs gone. So i think it is working.. Slow but steady.
  • Erikalynne18
    Erikalynne18 Posts: 558 Member
    How long have you been consistently doing this for? I lost 9 lbs before mfp (mostly water weight probably) and then when I joined mfp I ate 1200 cal and saw NO CHANGE for 3 weeks, and even then it was only a drop of 1.5lb. The next month I dropped 6.5 lb on 1200 cal diet. I was excited but felt SO exhausted!! I increased my cals then to 1700 and guess what? I lost 7lbs that next month. I had more energy to put into my workouts and therefor I got more out of my workouts :)

    I would suggest you check out http://scoobysworkshop.com/accurate-calorie-calculator/
  • aquiva33
    aquiva33 Posts: 85 Member

    I am 5'11, 216lbs, 31 yrs old. My calorie goal is set at 1800 and I work out about 5 days a week, but I do not eat my calories back. So it is really just how you want to have it set up. But yes I would think that if you are only eating 1300 and not eating back any Exercise calories that you are not eating enough.

    I'm 5"9", 212, 33 and mines have been at 1200 maybe that why my scale isn't moving. Can I add you as a friend
  • Kymwho
    Kymwho Posts: 183 Member
    I'm on the MFP set 1,200 calories per day as well. Scale is barely moving! *sigh*
  • sweetpea03b
    sweetpea03b Posts: 1,124 Member
    When I put your stats in... your BMR is 1680... you need to stay as close to your BMR (calories burned AT REST) as possible. Mine is about 1480 so I set my own goals and put in 1500 for my goal... and I try to stick to that no matter what. On lifting days I will eat a little higher to account for the higher protein needed. I would raise your goal a bit and see how you do. Good luck!
  • kelseymaccombs
    kelseymaccombs Posts: 61 Member
    When I put your stats in... your BMR is 1680... you need to stay as close to your BMR (calories burned AT REST) as possible. Mine is about 1480 so I set my own goals and put in 1500 for my goal... and I try to stick to that no matter what. On lifting days I will eat a little higher to account for the higher protein needed. I would raise your goal a bit and see how you do. Good luck!

  • shrimpydoo
    shrimpydoo Posts: 112 Member
    I can only share my own personal experience. I am shorter (5') and older, and less active. I walk everyday and haven't ventured too often beyond that for 'formal' exercise. At 1200 calories per day and eating back a portion of my exercise, I was losing on average .5 to 1 lb a week.

    My dietician suggested I up that to 1300 to 1400. In January I adjusted my minimum caloric intake at 1300 and ate back some of the exercise. In 3 months I really hadn't moved the scale at all.

    So, this tells me, I'm either on a plateau, and I should just be patient, possible add more exercise to my day, or go back to 1200. Just on a whim, I decided to return to 1200. THis week I lost 1.2 lbs. Could it be because I've reverted back to 1200, or perhaps my plateau has finally eased off? I don't know. But what I do know is that somewhere between 1200 - 1400 seems right for me. It was nice to know that I could add extra calories and not gain weight, however. This will be important come maintenance time.

    Good luck on your journey. You may have to fiddle with things to find the system that works best for you. Hang it...It does work!!
  • Faye_Anderson
    Faye_Anderson Posts: 1,495 Member
    Hey MFP'ers! Looking for some advice since I am new to the program. I am 27 yrs. old, 5'5" and weighing 200 lbs. Looking to lose 50lbs the right way.

    When I set up my account I put in that I wanted to lose 1.5 lbs a week and it automatically put me at 1300 calories a day. From reading other postings it seems that 1200 (and even 1300) is not enough calories?

    As far as my activity level - I do a bootcamp 2 times a week, running one day, and a strength training class on Saturdays (4 days at the gym total per week). Outside of that I work a desk job.

    I have been doing this excersice and calorie regimin for a couple of weeks and have lost .7 lbs (not very happy about that) and would love to hear from the group on tips or how I should move forward.

    Looking to grow more support so feel free to add me as well :)


    I'm the same height and weight as you and I eat 1700 before exercise. Your BMR will be around 1650, you shouldn't really go below that :flowerforyou:
  • nikkinixsix
    nikkinixsix Posts: 22 Member
    Thank you everyone for the quick responses!

    To answer a few of the questions: I do try to eat back half of my exercise calories and have always been active but have
    "upped my game" with the bootcamp and moving from 3X to 4X a week.

    I definitely find it hard to only eat 1300 so am glad to hear that I should increase. I have been at this regiment for just about 3 weeks and the lack of weight dropping is driving me crazy (not expecting a huge loss, but thought a few pounds right?!)

    I do measure with measuring cups and would like to get a food scale *baby steps* eventually so I don't get overwhelmed and give up.

    Keep the tips/advice coming - I am good with constructive criticism :)
  • judyde
    judyde Posts: 401 Member
    I started at 210 lbs with a lot to lose and I set my loss to 1 lb a week. So much more sustainable. I think it gave me about 1500 calories in the beginning (w/o exercise).
  • ImaSpoiled1
    Hi, I just started a couple of days ago on here. This is not my first kick at the diet thing though. I have been doing really well at the calorie count weight loss thing so far. I am on 1200.

    two things I've figured out that I think some are mistaken. You can have a lot of energy if you eat the right calories, not to mention a lot of food so you won't go hungry. Including a lot of protein. If you eat junk calories, you will feel like you are starving.

    I do eat back a little, not all of my calorie burned from exercise. I kind of like this idea. If I don't work out on a day, then those calories shouldn't go into my body as I can't burn them off and I will not lose or worse gain again from eating them.

    I am on my own quest to lose 50lbs. I have just started seriously this week, if you would like to encourage/support each other feel free to add me to your friends list or just send me a message.

    Good luck, You can do this!!!!