I can't believe I did that! I was doing so well! :'(



  • 2BaNewMe2
    2BaNewMe2 Posts: 102 Member
    We all "fall off the wagon" once in a while. Last Sunday I had a similar incident. I just couldn't seem to get enough to eat. I even grabbed a bag of chips and ate quite a lot (didn't count out serving). I was feeling down about it. I logged all of it the next day. I was soooo mad at myself!!! :mad:

    I went to the gym next day and did 10 mins extra of cardio (which is a big feat for me, bad knees).

    Just make this a lesson learned for you. I have since made sure I could "afford" the extra calories before I eat anything other than my normal snacks.

    You can do this!!!
  • gillleeman
    gillleeman Posts: 397 Member
    Yasmin if you read my profile we have some similarities, I identify with your profile. Can you do as suggested and seek some help for your eating disorder, or go back for help if you have already sought out some.

    You can change, it just takes time, but it does come honestly :heart: