morning workout pre-fuel

What are some pre-workout morning foods to have that won't sit heavy when I'm working out? Up for suggestions!


  • snowwhite80
    I've always done my work outs on a morning but have only started eating something before I do them after Googling and reading several different things.

    I don't like eating first thing but I've started having a slice of wholemeal toast which seems to do the job. I would have a banana if I liked them but I'm not keen.

    Weetabix is also a good or a cereal bar, handful of nuts or dried fruit.

    Edited to add: if I'm going first thing, like within half an hour of getting up then I don't have anything.
  • AJ_G
    AJ_G Posts: 4,158 Member
    I don't eat anything before I workout, I feel better that way. It's really all based on personal preference and how you feel after eating. It makes virtually no difference other than how you feel.