Uphill Caloric Burn (rollerblading, Biking, etc)

I've come to a bit of a dilemma with this site, that I need help with.
I rollerblade and walk constantly, usually uphill, and I'll be doing the same with Biking fairly soon. However there is no differentiation between uphill biking by speed and basic biking. I know that biking 15 mph on a straightaway burns less calories than biking 15 mph uphill, and same with rollerblading. However, this site doesn't show those differences, so I have no way to be sure how accurate me putting down "rollerblading" for 30 minutes, when that 30 minutes is all uphill.

Does anyone know how to guage what an accurate amount of calories would be for this? If so, I would like some help.


  • Amarillo_NDN
    Amarillo_NDN Posts: 1,018 Member
    One of the things I do personaly is use a GPS Watch that not only monitors my distance, speed, and heart rate, but also monitors elevation. I only walk, but it does allow for multisports like running, biking, and swiming. If you would like to see an example of the course I recorded yesterday, feel free to go to this link.

  • PoiBoyBlue
    That actually looks really helpful.
    Do you know how many calories you burned with that?

    Either way, it seems like something I should look into.
  • PoiBoyBlue
    That was me missing the part about calories burned, there XD
    Damn, though, that looks useful. Only $200, too.

    Definitely looking into purchasing one.
    Thank you!