10lbs in 32days was the goal.. but it feels impossible..

I really wanted to lose 10lbs for my cousins wedding. There was only 32 days to do it.. And I only have 7 days left and 3 more lbs to go!!! A 3lb loss in a week I don't think is possible for me.. :( But I guess even if I get to 9lbs by the wedding, then I didn't completely fail right?

My goal weight is to lose 38.8 lbs.. I planned on losing the weight by April and on the track im going, I could have it gone by December! (If I lose 10lbs a month).. But was trying to lose my first ten lbs in 32 days too strict of a goal?? I've almost reached it, but now im scared not to and that I'll be down on myself. I'm trying not to feel that way. So I keep telling myself even if I'm 1lb short, its ok, cause I'm ALMOST there.. (from the weight I wanted to lose by the wedding)...

Any thoughts??


  • H_82
    H_82 Posts: 418 Member
    I think what you've lost so far is awesome! Don't sell yourself short...you're on the right track! And 7 days is 7 days. Just work out extra hard & don't fall off your "calorie wagon". Just make sure you continue doing it the healthy way! Keep up the hard work, you can do it!!! :smile:
  • Holton
    Holton Posts: 1,018
    You should be proud of the progress you have made and by all means don't make 1 pound short a negative! Keep your focus this last week, drink more water, add 10 minutes to your regular exercise routine, eat really clean and healthy and celebrate whatever weight you are the day of her wedding! You are making a positive lifestyle change which is a journey! Fill your mind with the positives!!!! You are doing GREAT!
  • vickiele1
    vickiele1 Posts: 394 Member
    Losing 10 lbs in 32 days is dependent on the individual, your diet, your exercise, etc. Losing 7, 9 lbs is still an excellent reduction and should be celebrated. I would say that your goal of 38 lbs by April is definitely doable and you are right - at the rate you are going you could reach your goal by Christmas. You indicated that you wanted to lose 10 lbs by the date of the wedding, is that because you have a specific dress you want to fit into? If that is the case, then the little bit you have to lose to reach 10 lbs (especially if you continue to lose weight this week) shouldn't have that big of an impact on your being able to wear that dress. If there were another reason, then you might want to evaluate why you have that goal and then adjust that goal.


  • pink_butterfly
    Thanks everyone! I will kick it up a notch, with water too! No there is not a specific dress, just a goal I gave myselef, not knowing if I could do it or not.. and im soooo close! Taking 10lbs off me puts me one Size smaller and I know I will just feel better about having to wear a dress.. The last wedding I went to, I was worried about what I looked like in the dress. Felt huge. I was 40lbs overweight then. If I can go to this one 30lbs over, thats 10 less lbs than before, and I think it'd make me feel great.. If I dont reach 10lbs, and only 8-9lbs, I will not kick myself about it then.. You gals are right, im on the right track already... :)