Hello To All New Freinds

I am new here and absolutely loving MFP! I had decided that I was ready for a lifestyle change and was browsing through my iphone app store when I ran across the MFP app...it has to be the best thing that ever happend to me. As a busy mom to a three year old and 3 month old boy, I really wasn't sure how I was going to lose the weight but finding this community and reading all those success stories out there really gives me a lot of inspiration.
My goal is to lose 50 poounds before May since my husband and I will be having our wedding then....I am so exicted and would really like to look my best for that special day.
My only question is about the food diary. It seems as though I am always pass my sugar goal, but how can this be avoided when all fruits seem to be pretty high in sugar? Also I don't log my exercise because I don't know how many calories that I'm burning, I usually just do a 30 minute cardio regiment (trhough a fitness tape). Any answers out there? Would really love to make some new friends so please respond.
Good luck to all out there!


  • mykaar74
    Welcome and great job on taking the first step. As for the sugar, most of the time, and from what I have seen in the two weeks I have been a member ppl log their foods first, that way they feel more accountable for sticking to it, and it also tells them the amount of calories, sugars, etc.... As far as the cardio, you can put in aerobics, or treadmill and it will bring up many different exercises that you may have done during that time. I do Power 90 so I have to list each individual exercise such as jumping jacks, and running in place. Overrall the site appears to be great the ppl on here have been thru, or are going thru the same things as us (weight issues) and the appear to genuinely care. Once again, Welcome, and congrats on taking the first step to great health. Feel free to add me for support, motivation, or inspiration. Also I have found that the ppl are very sincere and welcoming so if you read a persons story, or comments & feel a connection of sincerity just request them as a friend they'll be happy to have you. Good luck on your journey
  • blbond82
    Hi Jade. I'm new here also but really liking this site. I focus most on the calories consumed and don't stress if I'm a little over on one of the other areas on occasion. Maybe you should try changing the type of fruits you eat if sugar is a concern. Berries tend to be the lower carb fruits. Feel free to friend me!
  • freeatlast20
    freeatlast20 Posts: 120 Member
    Hi and welcome to mfp...I try to focus on the calories and really try to watch the fat intake...the rest will work itself out in time. I wish you luck on your weight loss journey...feel free to add me for support and encouragement...together we can do this! just be sure to drink water...that helps...:drinker: :drinker:
  • jadeskiss83
    All the fruits that I eat (apples, bananas, grapes, nectarines, mangos, etc) all have quite a bit of sugar in them. I guess as long as its the healthy natural sugars and not the refined ones, I should be okay. Everything I have read has told me to consume lots of fruits and veggies, so I hope I'm on the right track.