How to make Top Ramen healthy



  • giggitygoo
    giggitygoo Posts: 1,978 Member
    Fresh ramen noodles are super cheap at Asian grocers. Again, I'm in Los Angeles ... so a little spoiled by ethnic groceries
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,681 Member
    Oh, thanks so much! I love ramen, especially like you described with chicken pieces, vegis and bullion. So how do you enter the calories/sodium/etc. That is all that is keeping me from going to have some now.
  • oxers
    oxers Posts: 259 Member
    Yeeeah, instant ramen is kind of an abomination. If I'm gonna do it, I'm gonna go all out and make real ramen. It's an all day affair, but it's completely worth it and probably won't raise my blood pressure by six points, either.

    I don't understand why you'd eat instant ramen if you're not stretching a very tight budget? Like.. if you REALLY like it, okay, fine, but the noodles are crap, the spice blend is crap, the whole thing is just. I don't know. Terrible ingredients don't make good food. The first time you have real, street style Japanese ramen, you'll never be able to look at the packet **** again.
  • acpgee
    acpgee Posts: 7,725 Member
    If you eat instant ramen, you can save a lot of calories by looking for types that use rice noodles or bean vermicelli instead. These noodles don't need to be fried to make them instant. My brand of bean vermicelli noodles (Vina Acecook) is only 189 kcal per package, including the little packet of garlicky oil..
  • ge105
    ge105 Posts: 268 Member
    I agree with an earlier post. Just buy some egg noodles and season them up however you like.

    Or just make it fit under your calorie limit and enjoy it if you really must have it.

    Isn't it like 380 calories (for two servings I might add)? Is that really so much that eating it is something you only do when you 'really must have it'? Ramen+4 ounces of chicken+an egg cracked into the both=Yum.

    Winner. Its not that many calories if you like them- just don't have them be all you eat and you'll be fine.
  • StoneColdLiger
    StoneColdLiger Posts: 29 Member
    Would just like to say after reading this post, I went into the kitchen and made some Ramen.

    (I mixed in summer sausage and frozen veggies)

    I don't understand all the rules about you should eat this, shouldn't eat that. I just eat what I enjoy. Pretty much anything is fine in moderation.
  • pbbagel
    pbbagel Posts: 53 Member
    Healthy ramen? Here's a thought...don't eat instant ramen. And, the Koreans didn't perfect ramen...the Japanese did. Veggies + Egg on top? That's a basic Japanese prep. Kimchi in ramen? No thanks. Give me a miso, shoyu or tonkotsu please. Kimchi fried rice is good though.

    Instant ramen isn't technically ramen anyway.


    Ramen - ramen-dojo-large.jpg

    Not Ramen - 1354804315459.jpg

    Instant ramen was invented in Japan...
  • TriNoob
    TriNoob Posts: 96 Member
    Instant ramen was invented in Japan...

    Instant noodles were invented in Japan...but anyway, what's your point?
  • _lyndseybrooke_
    _lyndseybrooke_ Posts: 2,561 Member
    Ramen without the "packet of death" is simply not Ramen. That's like saying...oh, you can make Doritos healthier by running them under water to get the cheese off. Uh, ew, and no, Doritos (and Ramen) should be left as is. If it doesn't fit into your calories, don't eat it. If it does, party on. And as others have said, using regular non-Ramen noodles would work just fine.

    Psht...throw away the seasoning. Blasphemy!
  • workshardplaysharder
    There is nothing wrong with Ramen noodles. Just use half the seasoning. Sometimes I'll add some frozen peas and corn to it. I don't eat it often but when I am not in the mood to make anything and I want to eat something I make that because it's quick
  • pbbagel
    pbbagel Posts: 53 Member
    Instant ramen was invented in Japan...

    Instant noodles were invented in Japan...but anyway, what's your point?

    Just to let you know.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    rinsing it won't do anything, that's silly.