Chronic Pain ????

I'm wondering if there is anyone on this site trying to loose weight that deals with chronic pain. I'm a 36 year old female with Neurofibromatosis type 1...... This disorder causes several issues the hardest for me is the tumors (called neurofibromas) I have thousands of them all on nerves they are everywhere from my head, neck ,arms legs to my toes and feet. Some days it is so hard to exercise because of the pain (the nerve pain ...not just the pain from being out of shape). The pain is mostly nerve pain because that is were the tumors grow. is there anyone out there with chronic pain issues that might have ideas that they have used ..... Thank u in advance


  • jah925
    jah925 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm struggling with weight loss/strengthening and chronic pain too. I had a double discectomy in my lumbar spine in October and my weight flew up by 30 lbs in no time at all. Now I am working full-time, managing my home with two kids (3 and 5), dealing with constant pain and/or narcotic painkillers and trying to get back in shape because my GP doesn't seem to be taking me seriously and tells me I need to lose 50 lbs and I would feel better, meanwhile my surgeon wants to do a 3-level spinal fusion.

    My biggest struggle is eating crap when the pain is severe. When the pain is bad, all I want to do is lay on my living room floor perfectly flat and still. And in order to get a little time to do that, I order a pizza instead of cooking. Or if I am at work I eat sweets to give me that sugar rush so I can get through the afternoon. I would love to hear how you motivate yourself to stay on track through the pain.
  • jah925
    jah925 Posts: 2 Member
    For pain-killers, have you tried Lyrica or Gaba-pentin? They apparently work well for some people, though I had no luck with Lyrica and was pretty much guaranteed to gain a bunch of weight with Gaba-pentin.
  • arbourm
    arbourm Posts: 26 Member
    I also have chronic pain from a neurological problem. I took Lyrica... and 25 pounds almost immediately! I also used Gapapentin, but with this one I was so depress and unfocused, it was impossible to convince me to workout or cook healthy food.

    Now I'm not taking pills, I tried to just leave with the pain and when days are bad I try to do something I really like (crochet, reading, etc.) instead of eating junk food. Not always easy but it works for me.

    For the workout, I just do them! I'm already in pain, a little more wont kill me... What happen every time is that I just forget about my chronic pain because I have to really focus on what I do (running, strength training) and 1-2 hours after my workout I feel so good, I have less pain (thanks endorphin!).