How do you avoid and treat blisters?

I've started taking long walks and realized that converse are crappy walking shoes when I found a massive blister on my heel and a smaller one in front of my toe. I don't even own tennis shoes, though I'm planning to get some. So I know that's part of the issue. But what other things should I consider to prevent blistering in the future? I found that wearing two pairs of socks at least prevented my blisters from getting too much bigger, but I don't know if that'll be enough to keep them from forming. Any other suggestions?


  • sympha01
    sympha01 Posts: 942 Member
    Two pairs of socks is great at preventing blisters. Instead of the shoe catching your sock and rubbing on your skin, the shoe catches the outer sock which rubs on the inner sock. Rubbing on your skin, if present at all, is very minimal.

    Once a blister has formed though, everything around there is really sensitive. I find that if I let a blister start, the only thing that will let it heal is putting a band-aid on it (changing the band-aid every time I change socks), which prevents all friction. Takes about a week to heal, sometimes more if I've let it go a couple of days.

    Unless your shoes are way too small, the second pair of socks will really help. The blister on the front of your toe sounds like the toe box of your current shoe is too tight.

    For the heel blister, you can buy cushioned pads that stick to the inside of the shoe at the troublesome spot. I find those are temporarily SLIGHTLY helpful, particularly until new shoes break in. Not a replacement for the right sock solution, however. Socks are the second most important factor (number one being the shoes of course). Also, you didn't mention what kind of socks you are wearing, but you really need socks to come all the way up past the ankle to prevent blisters. Anything that ends below the ankle -- even if it seems like it's clearing the shoe -- has too much loose play around the heel, which can promote rubbing and blisters on long walks. If the sock comes up well past the ankle then it will be a little firmer fit against your skin and rub less.

    The cushioned pads are usually available at any major market drug store or grocery with a decent personal care section.
  • jos3php
    jos3php Posts: 38
    I am so glad you asked! I have dealt with this constantly, no matter the shoes, the socks no matter what. Then I bought this. Now, obviously you do not have to get it from Walmart, it was just the link I found. It is not expensive, it WILL stick to your feet and it will not come off if you wrap enough of it. I had/have horrible blisters on my heels. Until they heal, use that. Once they do, it should be ok, if not, use it again until they heal and it stops becoming an issue.
  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member
    The best way to prevent blisters is wearing properly fit shoes, keeping your feet as dry as possible, and choosing the right socks. Friction + moisture = blister.