Hi ya!

Hi My name is Jackie I am 35 years old, I have been on the band wagon for losing weight many times before, I have run into some serious health issues that have spiraled my weight to an all time high, I am limited as to what i can do physically due to the health issues I face, but I am trying to stay positive and find ways around those obstacles! My goal is to become a healthier and better role model for my girls! Plus looking better would be a nice treat :) I would love to make some fitness buddies! Maybe we could help each other along the way? if you need buddies please friend me!! :)


  • Happilynaked
    You can do it! It's a day by day battle... You can add me!!
  • JeremyMerrin
    JeremyMerrin Posts: 20 Member
    Hi Jackie, my name's Jeremy. I'm not new to the site, I've been around for a bit but I've been pretty silent on the boards for the most part. I'm looking to be more involved on here and be more accountable. I quit smoking and was focused on that for a bit but now that I've got that problem beat I'm focusing on the weight. I'd be happy to be friends and help encourage you along the way. It'll be new for me too mostly (I do have two friends and they are great) but I'll do my best.