What can I do about my tiny legs

ebicon Posts: 11 Member
I'm 5'4 and 120 lbs so not technically overweight, but you wouldn't guess it from looking at me. I have a huge stomach (fat, not water retention). Despite this, my thighs are skinny and my calves are like tapered matchsticks. I also have wide hips, but they're high up on my body and although I have a small waist, it is very short due to the high hips. Not an attractive shape at all.

I don't know if I can do anything about my stomach, because even at my skinniest it was still big, while everything else got even smaller. I just looked like a blob on sticks.

However, if I had thicker legs to offset my heavy middle, I think I would it would help a great deal. I don't have the time or money to go to a gym unfortunately, and I don't have any fancy equipment but I do own some dumbells.

Bearing this in mind, is there anything I can do at home to get THICK thighs and calves? Exercises/how many a day/how long until I would see results, etc.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated. I haven't left the house in months due to my body confidence issues, and it is really taking a toll on me mentally.


  • rogerOb1
    rogerOb1 Posts: 318 Member
    To be honest, I think its likely you'll have an easier time if you focus on eating right and improving your overall fitness. For most people, belly fat is the last to go, but if you have a balanced diet and a regular workout program, you'll eventually see progress. Building big leg muscle is going to take a lot of time and heavy lifting for most folks and calves are even harder to build
    The usual exercises are squats, lunges, deadlifts. You can also do plyo/jump exercises and sprinting.

    Personally, Id recommend that you just find some good circuit or interval training routines and get into a routine of working out regularly.You can find a ton of workout routines on youtube (e.g. fitness blender).

    Obviously, you need to talk to someone about the not leaving the house thing. What would be so bad about venturing out?