Hello - I'm new!

Hello there,

I'm starting a cleaner living lifestyle on Monday. I know, I know, Monday is a magic day where we do a 180 on ourselves and then within a blink of an eye it's a Thursday and we're eating ice-cream straight from the tub and promising that on Monday it'll change...

But I Brownie/Girl-Scout/Klingon promise that it will. My shopping list has been written, recipes sourced, meal plans put together and a gym that I like the look of. I'm having my last hoo-rah today and then from then on out, healthy living is my goal.

I used to wear my fifteen-year-old-world-of-warcraft-eating-habits badge with pride but have decided that I kinda need to grow up a little. So with that said and done, I've joined MFP and really looking forward to using the app and meeting some new friends on here!

So yes, I'm actually very excited!

Hope you're all having wonderful weekends and see you on the boards :)