Exercise help?!

Hi! Basically, I've just turned 18 and have been wanting to get fit for some time. However, I suffer from a condition called Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, which basically means I have next to no collagen. It involves easy bruising, frequent tiredness and causes my joints to dislocate at any given moment (yeah, it hurts haha). I was just wondering if anyone knew any forms of non-excessive exercise I could do that don't out too much strain? I've tried spinning, but I was left bedridden for days after as my joints played up. I've also tried Pilates and yoga, which ended in pain and embarrassment as my hip popped out mid session! I'm desperate to get fit but I've had enough of people looking like they're about to be sick when I click, and I'm tired of being tired and on bed rest haha!
Thanks for your help!!


  • forgot to add! I tried going swimming yesterday (I've just taught myself how). But just my luck ever so slightly knocked my knee on a pool light and today it's dislodging itself haha! So I thought I'd use my useless day asking! Thanks again!
  • knra_grl
    knra_grl Posts: 1,566 Member
    I would definately make a visit to your doctor and have him recommend a physical therapist or someone who would specialize in the area of fitness for someone with your issues.

    I am reluctant to recommend anything that would harm you.
  • GeminiFitness1
    GeminiFitness1 Posts: 63 Member
    You want to start with low weight or resistance and focus on higher repetitions. I would suggest Exercise Tubing and bands have a lighter resistance.
  • http://www.myfitnesspal.com/groups/home/20881-rare-diseases-hemophilia-etc

    I have Ehlers-Danlos too! Join my group on here. :)