Women and weight loss

New to the boards, not new to weight loss attempts. I have been struggling with my weight (and my perception of my weight) for most of my life and am happy to have found this resource. Recently I have found that journaling both my food intake and my feelings, both physical and emotional, has really been eye-opening for me. I hope it means I am substituting comforting myself with food for comforting myself with journaling. It's a safe place for me to let it all hang out.

I visited some other threads and I think women have unique issues and approaches (duh) so that's why the title focuses on women, please take no offense, gentlemen. I want to talk about what motivates people to get back on track, stay on track or get on the track to healthy living and weight loss as part of loving yourself. Ideas? :)


  • Brilliant post! I really agree with the journal idea! The last time I tried to lose weight I had a week where instead of monitoring, I just wrote down everything I ate. By the end of the week, when I read back, I was absolutely disgusted with myself! It strongly motivated me to carry on!
    I've also found a technique, being a woman, that works for me is buying myself gorgeous clothes that are in my desired size! I'm obviously not going to let them go to waste now, am I! Haha. Seriously though, it really helps because each week after weigh in I try and see how much I can squeeze in, and it's a physical reminder of my hard work and how much I'm losing :)
  • timetravelforfitness
    timetravelforfitness Posts: 242 Member
    I've never thought to write down my feelings when journaling, but I think it's a great idea! I often have to remind myself that sometimes I'm just bored when I eat, and stop myself to really think about what it is I'm truly feeling. That and having apples around. Michael Pollan's Food Rules says that if you're not hungry enough to eat an apple you're just not hungry. And I've found asking myself that can really help.

    Do you track your moods on paper or as part of MFP?
  • galp23
    galp23 Posts: 3
    I am 59 and have also had a struggle with losing the 25 lbs I need to ,in order to feel better about my appearance ,and help control my blood pressure.
    I have found by tracking my food I feel a sense of power over what I am doing. And I hope that comes with success.
    The first week I was down 2.2 and had been under the calorie requirement each day as I dont make up for the cardio cals.
    Then the next week up a half. Being very discouraged I decided to write down my feelings about it, and that did help. Instead of an instant reaction of throwing in the towel, it made me examine what happened. Maybe I had gone to low in calories, or maybe the food choices though in range calorically were not good for metabolism.Or more likely that first weight was water and this 1.5 lbs was the real thing. I pictured 1.5 lbs of butter, and thought Ok!! Not bad. Thats what journaling did for me Take care all!
    I live in the midwest and would welcome any communication and mutual encouragement.
  • I use a small spiral notebook and I log what I eat and the time on the left page, my feelings (physical and emotional) on the right, so it's one day in front of me. I also log on MFP, but the journal has created such a mindfulness, which is the goal for me. I also like that it feels like counseling with a trusted friend, and I can't lie to a trusted friend, can I?
  • Emilie04444
    Emilie04444 Posts: 151 Member
    Great idea. Would definitely help with mindful eating
  • hopeless_rhomantic
    hopeless_rhomantic Posts: 42 Member
    I have a couple of motivating factors... keep in mind I'm 6'2....400 lbs....

    1. All of my sorority sisters are sizes 14 and under and when we go out I'm tired of being the fat friend...
    2. I hate the "pretty for a fat girl" statements
    3. High blood pressure, high cholesterol, and diabetes run in my family although I am safe from all 3 at the current moment.
    4. This is probably my biggest but my grandfather... my legal guardian and best friend died January 30 of this year..... he has always told me "I love you big girl... but I need you to get healthy for me please..." I'm doing this for him.... my soldier in the sky... my best friend.... my dad....
  • chasetwins
    chasetwins Posts: 702 Member
    I lost 37 pounds back in 2002 with weight watchers. I had a whole group of co workers doing the plan too so it was kind of easy then. In 2005 I had twins and gained a whole lot with the pregnancy and had a hell of a time losing it! Over the years I gained more and more. In 2012 I threw my Mother a 60th birthday party. When I posted the pictures from that day I came across a picture of me and burst into tears - I could not believe how big I had become!!! I was heavier that day than when I was full term with twins!!

    That was my turning point - pure determination from there. I again turned to weight watchers and failed this time. They changed the plan and it was just too complicated now. It was no longer something I could easily use. Instead of giving up - I searched online for information and found Myfitnesspal :) Researched the boards for days and days. I started in April of 2013 and never looked back!!

    My motivation now to keep on track - first is how far I have come! Pictures are such an important factor for me. I need the comparisons and I look at them often! Another motivator to keep on track is my workouts...when I am having a moment where I almost blow my goal for the day i remember how hard I busted my *kitten* all week. Is that treat really worth it? I think not lol
    I find alternatives to my favorite treats. I never stop reading the labels at the stores and I check out new things all the time. If I have a "cheat" moment...I do not go over board. I take a very small amount and savor every bite :)
  • sargessexyone
    sargessexyone Posts: 494 Member
    I have a couple of motivating factors... keep in mind I'm 6'2....400 lbs....

    1. All of my sorority sisters are sizes 14 and under and when we go out I'm tired of being the fat friend...
    2. I hate the "pretty for a fat girl" statements
    3. High blood pressure, high cholesterol, and diabetes run in my family although I am safe from all 3 at the current moment.
    4. This is probably my biggest but my grandfather... my legal guardian and best friend died January 30 of this year..... he has always told me "I love you big girl... but I need you to get healthy for me please..." I'm doing this for him.... my soldier in the sky... my best friend.... my dad....

    I am so sorry for your loss. I know your Grandfather will watch over you on this exciting new journey.
  • Hello! I'm new to the boards, and this is my first time getting serious about weight loss. I'm finishing up my first week, and thankfully I feel like I can do this, although I'm sure that motivation will flag after a couple of weeks. Hopefully having this community for motivation will keep me strong. I'm starting college in the fall, and I really want to start off looking and feeling my best. I figure if I start now I should be in a good place come September. I'm tired of being on the verge of overweight and constantly worrying if I'm healthy. And hopefully my new eating habits will help me avoid the freshman 15, too!