Help scheduling exercise?

Hi! I'm new around here, though I've had a myfitnesspal account for a while but never seriously used it. I need some help scheduling my workouts. I am not overweight so my main aim is to get fit and get some muscle definition, though I wouldn't mind losing 5kgs, but this isn't necessary for my health and being happy with my figure is more important then the numbers to me. For the past 2 months I have been doing Pilates and yoga 5 days a week as well as walking but I feel like I'm getting bored with it and have stopped seeing results. I can't afford a gym membership (poor uni student) so all of my exercises I do from home. I have a lot of ideas of what I want to do but need help scheduling it all into my week. Ideally, I don't want to give up pilates or yoga, but I also want to add the 30 day shred, c25k (because I hate running but want to start liking it), walking (i walk a lot anyway because I don't have a car, so this one's not really an option), and zumba (which I have on xbox 360 and I just think is fun). I'm not sure if this is too much to fit into a week , but I feel like I need this kind of variety because I get bored easily. Is there a way I can fit all this into a weekly schedule, that will enable me to see results but keeping in mind that i don't want to exercise anymore than 1 hour 30 a day? I'm not really a fitness nut and don't want to go crazy with the exercise to the point of having to schedule my life around it; I want to be able to fit in work (15hrs a week) and full time uni and a social life and me time, as well as this exercise. Is it possible for me to fit this in and see results? For instance, is it necessary I do the 30 day shred everyday in order to see results or is it okay if I do maybe one day of that, and the next day do Pilates? . (p.s - I already know all about eating healthy, my mum was a nutritionist and I have been eating clean all my life, so that's not an issue for me...just exercises which I have only just started to enjoy after 20 years of life.)

(BTW sorry if this doesn't any sense or I made a lot of mistakes. It's 4am here and I haven't slept yet, plus I'm doped up on really strong pain killers for my wisdom teeth and can't really think straight)