Questions for anyone who lost alot of weight

Romyarts2014 Posts: 201 Member
Hi there, My name is Romy and I started two weeks ago at 400 pounds and am now 387.
I add excercise at least 5 days a week with walking and I stay in my calories. MFP had set it to 2300 but I reduced it to 1500 calories.

My questions are
does it get easier, is there always that feeling in your stomach were you just want to eat everything!!

What has been the best part of losing a great amount of weight! What was your motivation!

Did it feel like a long time before you saw any real progress

Also I have alot of tattoos, and im scared that once i start loosing more that my tattoos will look weird, did anyones tattoos start looking weird when you lost weight..
Thanks guys


  • BlueBombers
    BlueBombers Posts: 4,064 Member
    The first couple of weeks are the hardest I won't lie. After that the eating part gets a lot easier. I gradually added calories as I lost my weight now I am at about 2000 to 2200 at maintenance and I am still losing inches.

    The best part of my losing weight was fitting a smaller size than I wore in high school. I never ever thought I would get to this point.

    I started to notice probably about 6 weeks in. People started noticing when I was about 20 lbs down. I just hit a year this week since I started and I am still working on it so it is a long slow process. Just hang in there!

    If you are not already, start adding weight training to your workout routine, like heavy weights not those light 2 lb. things. It makes all the difference.

    I don't have any tattoos so I can't answer that.

    Good luck!
  • tedrickp
    tedrickp Posts: 1,229 Member
    Hey Romy, saw you post this on my feed....the below are just my opinion of course.

    1. You might be eating too little calories. If you are always feeling super hungry and want to eat everything, you may be depriving yourself too much. You might want to try bumping up your cals slightly to see if that helps those feelings.

    2. Fitting into more clothes, being able to be more active, more comfortable in the heat, sleep better, feel better, more confident, see my ticker and finally and most importantly... costs less to get drunk.

    3. Yes it felt like a long time, I dropped a couple of shirt sizes before I really noticed any difference.

    4. Tattoos I am not sure about!
  • Romyarts2014
    Romyarts2014 Posts: 201 Member
    Congrats to you guys for the weight loss, its amazing !!!

    Yeah I have def been hungrier the past 3 days. So I have been eating some of my excercise calories back but still eat at at 1100 deficent.

    Thanks for sharing with me :) I really appreciate it
  • tasha_rena
    tasha_rena Posts: 25 Member
    Hi Romy!

    I didn't know anything about how to eat healthy. I had been eating whatever I wanted, as much as I wanted, my whole life - and what I wanted was fatty, greasy food in huge quantities. So I started off with Weight Watchers to help teach me. What I took from this is: learn what a portion is; don't try diets that completely exclude certain things - I am an "everything in moderation" person, if you make something off-limits I will binge eat it; don't drink your calories.

    Another thing I liked about Weight Watchers, and would recommend, is that it eases you down so a larger person (like I was) doesn't start a diet eating 1200 calories. I lost quickly at first, then at a good pace, and now very, very slowly. You should eat all the calories MFP is telling you to eat.

    Does the hunger get better? Yes. I drink lots of water, I try to make good choices, and I never let myself get ravenous. (Always pack a low-calorie snack like fresh fruit, popcorn, etc was probably my biggest tool to prevent binging.)

    I have been morbidly obese as long as I have memories. I have severe asthma, and PCOS. I had a severe back injury 2 summers ago that limited what I could do for a whole year, including on my wedding day, where I danced one dance and was on vicodin at the time. I will never be physically limited when I don't have to be again - not by my own weight, not by my own choice.

    I lost 50lbs before I lost a single pant size. I didn't really start noticing myself looking different until then - and really, until about 75lbs down. Take pictures! It will help you to see the difference quite a bit!

    My tattoos all still look the same!

    ETA: I still refer to myself as a "large person" - but I'm not. I'm 20lbs from a normal weight now, but it's taking me a long time to get used to it!
  • Samstan101
    Samstan101 Posts: 699 Member
    Set your goals on MFP and log your exercise here. In my experience MFP over-estimates exercise cals so only eat back half to 2/3rds of them. 1500 is very low and probably why you feel like eating everything. I'm eating 1900 (inc exercise cals) and am rarely hungry (ironically tonight I am and have gone over my cals but am doing a long run tomorrow). I found I got into a routine and established food choices that were sustainable for life (ie food I liked and not just 'healthy food' - I can't stand cottage cheese for example so don't eat it).

    Best part(s) - I sleep better, much better actually as my chronic insomnia is a thing of the past. I used to get heart burn pretty much daily and now haven't had it in almost a year. I love exercising, running in particular, I love not being out of breathe when walking or using the stairs. I like buying clothes from the normal sizes sections of shops. All this and I still have around 60lbs to goal!

    I noticed small changes quite quickly. Best tip I can give is take measurements and take photos, especially of your face. I could see a difference in my face in a month.

    Good luck :)
  • SymphonynSonata
    SymphonynSonata Posts: 533 Member
    Hello Romy! Congratulations on doing the HARDEST part...starting!

    The best thing about having a ways to go is that you'll get so used to eating better that it'll become second nature, and that's GOOD. You'll also see a lot of results very quickly because you'll be eating at a pretty good (and maintainable) deficit. For me, the first three days have always been the hardest, no matter when I start. By day four? I'm fine. By month two? I feel like I'm not even eating any differently, and am just as satisfied as I used to be on 4000+ calories a day. My cravings probably completely vanish within a month.

    The BEST part? Being able to shop for super cute things and seeing pant size numbers drop. I'm ultra girly, so this was probably my biggest ego rush - being able to fit into size 1 pants!!! As you get down there, you just get more motivation. My bright red stretch marks? They turned white and then I tanned and they're gone completely (I mean, unless you pull and examine my skin with a microscope, which, wtf)

    I went from 200 to 106 pounds (I'm a shorty), I don't feel like it took very long, but I also tried not to focus on the days, but rather, "If I mess up today, that's two more day I have to make up for before I'm back to where I was." and celebrate each day for the gram, ounce, or pound lost.

    I don't have any tattoos, but I did have a belly button piercing when I was around 160. It migrated out with the weight loss (though I've heard this hasn't happened to everyone) and I now have scar tissue. It's not the prettiest thing in the world, but it's also unnoticeable to every man who has ever seen my belly!
  • MBrothers22
    MBrothers22 Posts: 323 Member
    Only thing I think I could add, although not from personal experience- I have seen people who have lost a lot of weight with tattoos on their stomach and sides and they didn't seem to change. I'm sure it could be different for everyone though.
  • Rocbola
    Rocbola Posts: 1,998 Member

    does it get easier, is there always that feeling in your stomach were you just want to eat everything!!
    In order to make that feeling go away, it really helps to eat foods that are lower in calorie density. If you are trying to restrict your calories and still eating dense food, you will feel hungry all the time, and it just becomes a battle of will. Who wants to feel hungry all the time?

    Foods like fresh fruits and vegetables fill your stomach up with fiber and water, while staying low in calories, so you can still meet your daily calorie goals.
  • _Resolve_
    _Resolve_ Posts: 735 Member
    does it get easier, is there always that feeling in your stomach were you just want to eat everything:

    It will get easier, just make sure you are eating enough throughout the day. I try to eat every couple of hours to make sure my fires keep burning and never feel hungry. Drink lots of water, I drink about a gallon a day now and that has helped me feel full.

    What has been the best part of losing a great amount of weight! What was your motivation!

    Oh everything. Just to list a few that stick out more than others: I can walk, I can tie my shoes, I can do dishes, I can workout for 2 hours a day, I can ride miles upon miles on my bike, my diabetes is under control, im happier, fitter and more alive than I ever thought possible. The list goes on and on...

    Did it feel like a long time before you saw any real progress
    It sounds like you already have some great progress! I lost my first hundred pounds in about 6 months, all i did was create a deficit and get active.

    Also I have alot of tattoos, and im scared that once i start loosing more that my tattoos will look weird, did anyones tattoos start looking weird when you lost weight..

    I also have a bunch of tattoos and I think it would depend on where they are, but mine all look fine.
  • dakotababy
    dakotababy Posts: 2,406 Member
    I found that at first, it was difficult, but a lot of that "hunger" was just emotional response. I was so used to eating whenever I felt anxious, frustrated or lonely. Now that I am aware of my emotional eating...I do not feel the need to eat all the time. I noticed physical changes after I lost about 30lbs, and other actually noticed around 20lbs. Now that I am about 60lbs down - almost everyone notices if they have not seen me in a while.

    My tattoos have not changed at all, though I could see if I had tattoos on my stomach...that might not look so good now with the loose skin.
  • cherylbileau
    cherylbileau Posts: 8 Member
    I started out at close to 300 pounds and I am now down to 173. The thing for me that worked the best was low carb Paleo type way of eating. The lower your grams of carbs per day and the less you are hungry. Carbs cause cravings plain and simple. I keep my carbs under 50 grams unless there is some special occasion happening. I am never hungry on this WOE. I don't have tattoos but I will tell you that the amount of loose skin I have is staggering so be prepared. It has taken me 22 months to loose 116 pounds. I am not done yet but I am close. I should be at my goal weight by the end of the summer at the latest.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,740 Member
    I've lost 116 lb total. 45 lb before MFP and 71 lb on MFP.

    Honestly I have never really felt hungry. But for me that is part of the problem I had before MFP and counting calories and knowing an approximate amount of food I should eat. I just don't really get hunger pangs when I don't eat or eat very little, but it's also hard for me to know when I am full and have eaten enough. Now that I've lost the weight and am used to eating a smaller amount of food, I do get that full feeling...but in the past I could just eat a bunch of pizza and then eat cupcakes and not feel uncomfortably full even then. But I also didn't go looking around for snacks much. I dunno. I gather that I am a bit abnormal in this area.

    My original motivation was fear and to a lesser extent, shame. I was used to being 260-270 lb and suddenly was 307 lb and for me that meant shortness of breath on staircases, swelling in my ankles, etc. After 15+ years of being a happy healthy(ish) obese person it freaked me out to be 32 and seeing sudden scary issues like that. The shame was in sometimes finding that even 3X tops were too snug, and having quite a time wedging myself into certain booths or chairs. I would say that my FAVORITE thing about being closer to a normal/healthy weight now is fitting into the world so much better. Those embarrassing moments are no more. I can go into any restaurant, amusement park, or movie theater, and sit comfortable in the booth, ride, or seat. I love that so much!!

    It did feel like it took a long time for me to see progress. I started my "journey" (although I HATE that cheesy term for it) in Nov 2008 and I didn't weigh myself until May 2012 at the gyno...but in that time, I worked my freakin' tail off with exercise and I lost just 39 lb during that period. In 4 years or almost. No one commented on the loss or seemed to notice. I had started to wear more 2X shirts and less 3X, but I still wore the same 22 pants and jeans as I did at my heaviest so it was not that noticeable of a loss. However, once I started MFP in March 2013 everything began to change quickly and it was just a few weeks before I noticed a huge difference in the fit of ALL of my clothing and people were commenting right & left. At that time I'd gone from maybe 262 to 255 and already had a noticeable difference.

    I don't have large tattoos. The two small ones have not changed, they are on my upper arm and my ankle. I have a larger tattoo on my calf and even though my calves have changed drastically since the beginning and seem much longer and thinner, the tattoo looks the same. If your tats are larger and on your chest, back, or stomach the experience might be different. I think it really varies by person though.

    I will add that I do have loose skin. Then again I am 37 and have been over 200 lb (until fairly recently) since I was 15-16 yrs old so that is a VERY long time to carry all of that extra weight and I never expected it to vanish overnight like in weight loss ads. But I will say there are good surprises too. While my upper abdomen and upper arms have a lot of yucky sagging skin/flab still, my lower abdomen is shockingly flat compared to in the past and while my thighs have sag and cellulite - they REALLY aren't as bad as I expected. I had the kind of crazy fat rolls on my back that practically looked like another set of breasts and now my back is flat and "normal". There's no sagging weirdness on my back and it practically happened overnight when I was around 230 lb. To me that is a nice plus. Everyone's gonna have their good and bad areas!

    Good luck to you!!!
  • JDubIsShrinking
    JDubIsShrinking Posts: 207 Member
    I think someone else said it, but I'll reinforce: you have already done the hardest part... starting the process! Good job!

    Does it get easier?
    YES! The more you focus on this being a lifestyle change and not simple a "diet" the easier it becomes. You may want to reevaluate setting your calorie goal to 1500. Less isn't always more. Eating more protein rich and "whole" foods (meaning fruits and veggies) helps tremendously with my hunger as well. But yeah... 1500 is probably far too low of a goal for you... especially if you are exercising. Your body is like a vehicle - it needs fuel to run! You don't need to deprive yourself. I swear!

    What's the greatest part of losing weight?
    So I'm shooting to lose about 120lbs - I am 77lbs down so far. What's great about this? EVERYTHING. Different (smaller) clothes, exercising better, feeling healthier... no... BEING healthier, setting a good example for others... I could go on and on.

    My motivation?
    I want to be the best me that I can be. I also have two little kids depending on me... I'd like to do my best to be around for a really long time and spoil grandchildren someday. :)

    Did it feel like a long time before you saw progress?
    It did at first. I would say after I lost about 25lbs it was the first real time that I noticed a visible change. Now? I could almost pass for one of those people who work out! CRAZY!

    I have several, and I have noticed no change. Although, mine are on my back and leg. It may have to do with placement? I really have no idea, though. But yeah... no change there. They look the same.
  • muzichick
    muzichick Posts: 331 Member
    I have a largish back piece, and it looks the same now. But, the skin on places that used to have more fat, is a completely different story. I have bat-wing arms, and way too much hanging skin on my midsection, for my liking, but it's better than fat :)

    I think I have gotten used to eating less, and so it is my new normal. I strive only to eat one serving of anything at a time, and it works well for me.

    I think somewhere around 50 lost is when others started to notice. Everyone compliments me now, and I'm down 81 pounds as of this morning.

    We have a private group for people who are 'losing a whole person'. Send me a message, if you'd like to join :)
  • to introduce myself my name is crystal. i started here dec 12, 2011 at 327lbs. i now weigh 170lbs.
    this are my opinions and things i go by.. i am not an expert.

    i think you are really wrong for reducing your calories especially if you workout that much. and can i say you are awesome for putting in that much work. i just started putting in 5 days myself since january and its crazy! lol. if you are interested in changing your calories or finding a correct calorie amount for you.. i will suggest set it for 25%. with this you do not eat back exercise calories. if you use myfitnesspals recommendation then you are supposed to eat your exercise calories (i agree that most calories burned here are not usually right so a heart rate monitor would be helpful.)

    it is very important to get enough calories in. right now you are hungry because you are way too restricted. id also say you should eat every three hours. for me thats great for my metabolism and keeps me from snacking or binging because i know when i get to eat again.

    does it get easier. yes. you learn to find foods that leave you feeling full instead of just things that usually make you want to eat more. best part of losing weight is motivating and inspiring others. i never believed weightloss would ever happen for me. i thought i was stuck where i was. its in my family genes.. i didnt think i ate poorly.. (actually my problem was i didnt eat often enough.. like skipping breakfast and lunch and then eating a ton of food for dinner) i thought there was no hope. until i saw someone just like me change their life. what keeps me going is knowing that someone else is out there thinking the same thing.. and i am going to prove it to them that they can do it. that they can eat. that they dont have to eat salads every day.. they can still eat cake. that they have a chance and that it isnt magic.

    yes it took a long time for ME to see progress in myself. i feel that the brain has to play catch up. heck sometimes i still dont see changes from a few months back.. but i take pictures often and do comparisons and can see how far i have come. it took me 40-60lbs before i saw a difference. but i felt progress in the way i felt and how i had more energy.

    as far as tattoos.. i have a lower back tattoo.. my name. and it shrunk significantly.. i think it looks crooked now.. but i wouldnt change the fact of making my body healthier to have saved it. i wonder if it might be getting straighter more recently as i might be losing some more fat there. but i just figure maybe one day i will get a cover up. i will say this, i wont be getting any more tattoos until i am done changing my body shape. usually pictures look fine (or even better).. but words seem to get distorted...
  • mamadon
    mamadon Posts: 1,422 Member
    Hi Romy! As most have said, the first first months are the hardest as far as being hungry. Many times I felt like I could gnaw my own arm. It does get easier though. I still have some days where I want to eat everything in sight, but most days are easier. The most motivating thing for me the last few months has been clothes lol! I love to shop now, and sometimes I don't even try something on, I just buy it. As far as tattoos, I only have two, but as far as I can tell they look exactly the same.
  • nyiballs
    nyiballs Posts: 147 Member
    Hi Romy,

    I will echo that the start is clearly the hardest. Here are my tips:

    Log everything you eat in MFP... EVERYTHING. I've logged two M&Ms. You'll realize were you are wasting your calories and where it's just not worth it for the few moments of pleasure.

    If you're hungry... EAT! But eat things like carrots, cucmbers, snap peas, etc. My go-to to get a fuller belly is fat-free sugar-free jello. At 10 calories a cup, you can pack a few of those away with little guilt.

    Don't eat until you are full! Snack a little at a time to curb the cravings, but that's it.

    Drink tons of water! Water is so amazing for you, and it can fill your belly as good as food can.

    Lastly... my biggest secret if you are just still starving and don't want to eat more. Buy some really hot peppers, and when the cravings hit, bite into one of those suckers. Your mouth will be on fire (making you drink more), and I promise that your hunger pangs will immediately go away!

    Good luck!
  • ktsmom430
    ktsmom430 Posts: 1,100 Member
    For me, it began to be easier after about 3 weeks.I think because it was becoming more of a habit to eat less.
    One thing that made it easier for me was keeping raw veggies prepped and in the refrigerator for go to snacking. (carrots, celery, radishes, cucumbers and bell peppers, or whatever you like). It made it easier to control hunger without a lot of calories.
    I did not tell anyone that I was trying to lose weight. At about 8 weeks, people began to notice and comment. That was a huge motivation and incentive to continue.
    It isn't easy. It takes a lot of self control and discipline, but so worth the effort which pays off by feeling and looking better.

    Wishing you the very best!
  • Schlackity
    Schlackity Posts: 268 Member
    I found that the first three or four days were the absolute hardest. You're trying to establish new habits, and you have to check the calories of everything you eat and log a lot. Weighing in after the first week, I was afraid I hadn't done anything right and hadn't lost anything, but I did lose and continued to lose about two lbs a week consistently, eating 1600 calories a day and eating back my exercise calories (I was primarily walking a mile a day after work and three miles each on Saturday and Sunday).

    The walking was tough at first, but it got better over time as well. I still walk a lot (just getting back into it now that the snow and ice have melted) and I have started doing squats like they're my job. I have a lot of hanging skin, but I would much rather have hanging skin and be healthy than have filled out skin and be headed for any number of medical problems.

    The perks? Finding more clothes in my size, fitting into seats more, not feeling like people are staring at me when I walk into a restaurant, and being able to run up and down the stairs without losing my breath.

    My motivation is knowing that I'm healthier now than I was a year ago, and that I can now maintain what I'm doing and stay in better shape. I also hopefully am setting a better example for my kids and husband so they will take better care of themselves.

    I don't have any tattoos, so I can't answer that one but I would guess your the shape of your skin would depend on your skin type....I'm very fair and started showing age wrinkles around my mouth when I was 30, so I think I don't have a ton of collagen in my skin (or so I'm told). I'm sure a tattoo artist could answer that question though.

    Good luck and nice start with your journey! It's always nice to run the reports on MFP and see the downward trend of the numbers. And notice I said "trend." There may be weeks where things don't go the way you want them to. Be persistent and patient and you will see an overall trend.
  • SomeNights246
    SomeNights246 Posts: 807 Member
    Hi romy. I started at 220lbs. It will be hard. The best advice I can give is don't deprive yourself. If you feel hungry then eat. Junk food is fine in moderation. I always buy junk in single servings. If it isn't there, you cant overdo it. 1500 migh weight be too low. Maybe up it justa bit. Nuts helped me a lot. It will be hard. IIt's a lifestyle change and those are rarely easy. But it gets easier with time. It took a while for me to see progress, but healthy weight loss often does. Good luck. You can do it. :)
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