Over 40 days track, no weight loss

Ver2 Posts: 37
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
Please ignore my low caloric goal. I'm going off of 1200, but I always tend to go "over the number" so I just make it lower so that I don't go over 1200. I'm pretty short and I have a small frame so that's why it's so "low."

I have been under 1200 pretty much everyday. I have yet to lose a single pound and I have been obsessively recording everything. I feel very discouraged. I weigh about 134 lbs right now and I just want to lose 10 pounds. I've been eating a lot less since I started this, so why doesn't it make sense that my weight should follow? Any help, advice, encouragement would help, thanks.


  • Panda86
    Panda86 Posts: 873
    It may be possible that you are actually not eating enough? Also, do you exercise? Because most experts agree that exercise is the best way to shed unwanted pounds. Also be careful with sodium and drink lots of water... Other than that, I dunno?
  • pen282
    pen282 Posts: 168 Member
    hey, well done on the tracking! first of all, I'm pretty new to this so can only advise but other info I have read on here! I know you say you are short, and small framed, but its not recommended woman eat less than 1200 calories per day - otherwise, as well as being unhealthy for your body, it also puts it in starvation mode. This means your body will find it more difficult to lose weight, spesh since you don't have too much to lose! They always say the last stone or whatever is the hardest..

    Hope this helps,
  • kappyblu
    kappyblu Posts: 654 Member
    What about water intake? And are you eating some of your exercise calories? Members on here say they lose faster when they drink more water and eat some of the exercise calories back. Water is so important. I recommend at least 3 quarts a day for weight loss. I have been drinking about a gallon a day. Yes it results in many bathroom trips, but it works. Are you getting enough rest? Not sleeping enough (7-8 hours) can kill weight loss. Stress is a weight loss killer, too. To lose weight, you have to eat. Sounds weird, but it's true. Your body may think it's in starvation mode, so it's holding onto every calorie it can. I'd recommend eating what MFP tells you too and sticking with it. Up the water, only weigh in first thing in the morning after you use the bathroom and get plenty of rest. Good luck, hon!!
  • are you exercising? drinking plenty of water?
    maybe you've gained muscle; have your measurements changed?
  • Ver2
    Ver2 Posts: 37
    Then maybe I am not eating enough...it is so counter-intuitive!

    Isn't it possible to lose weight without exercising? I have weird classes/schedules everyday so I can't rely on a steady work-out routine. If it makes sense, I want to change my eating life-style but not really exercising since...I'd rather draw obsessively instead with the little free time I have >_>

    Maybe I am also not drinking enough water...I've been having a lot of those 10 calorie bottles of lemonade. Also I know I'm not getting enough sleep, so I should force myself to sleep earlier...does napping count?

    Also, how do I tell if my body is in starvation mode?
  • try making sure you are eating 4 to 5 small meals a day and then get your self some of the 100 calories packs to use for snacks its not easy to lose weight but we a great support group and lots of incourgement you can do it.we are all here for you
  • maroon58
    maroon58 Posts: 289 Member
    i just started my journey so i will tell you what has helped with me. i was also starting off at 134 and now weigh 127 and i think its because of my water intake and eating the right amount of calories each day. i did lose 4lbs the first week but most of it is water weight. i exercise everyday and am only trying to eat half of my calories back.i don't think you need a set time to exercise everyday just make sure you are or at least every other day. also, what are you eating. i have changed my habits so now i am eating apples and almonds and fruit like no other. except today i did have some gummy bears, lol! the main thing is to log every thing that you eat. sure helps to see where your calories are going. hth!

  • sarahliftsUP
    sarahliftsUP Posts: 752 Member
    If you haven't lost weight in 40 days with no exercising, maybe give the exercising routine a try. There are always ways to fit it in to your schedule and you don't have to workout for very long. Try for even 30 minutes a week, 4 times a week. Get up earlier or go after classes. Also try eating a bit more because even though you are small you may need more calories than 1200.

    Good luck!
  • SouthernBell86
    SouthernBell86 Posts: 275 Member
    I admire your dedication to this, and good for you for tracking your food for 40 days. Have you been measuring yourself? You should really start because sometimes you lose inches but no pounds and it can really help you to know if you are making progress that way.

    I looked at your last several days on your food diary, and on none of those days did you make it up to even 1000 calories. I don't know how short you are, but I think you aren't eating enough food.

    Look, you aren't that overweight to start with so it will be harder and take longer to lose the weight. Eating less and less calories won't help, it will probably hurt. If you accustom your body to eating less than a thousand calories a day for too long, then those times that you eat more than that, it will instantly be stored as fat. Another problem is that when you are eating less than 1200 calories it is almost impossible for you to get all the vitamins, minerals, carbs, fats and proteins that an adult woman needs each day. If your body isn't getting the nutrients it needs it won't cooperate with you well and you could get sick.

    What you need to do is to up your calories so that 1200 is the minimum. Go back to the "Goals" section of the site and undo your custom goals. Allow MFP to choose how many calories you should eat a day for someone your height, weight and lifestyle. I think you should probably choose to lose one pound a week since you are so small already. Then whatever MFP tells you to eat, try to eat within 50 calories of that each day. Don't view eating less than you are told as "bonus points."

    The other thing is to make sure you are getting some exercise. After you exercise, eat your exercise calories. You may need to do weights and build up some muscle mass. At first muscle mass may make you gain a few pounds, but ultimately having more muscle mass makes your body burn more fat and it doesn't hurt to look ripped when you lose the fat!

    Drink plenty of water, that is absolutely important. It helps every cell in your body, and allows fat to be flushed out.

    Try to eat several green veggies and other high fiber foods.

    Personally I have a lot more weight to lose than you do, but I have been doing these things and a few more for the last two months, and I've lost 12 pounds. The less you weigh the harder it is to lose fat though so you can't expect it to come off as fast as some people on MFP. Just make sure you're eating enough, drinking enough, getting exercise and enjoying life. Stress is awful for weight loss, and can even make some people gain weight, so make sure you're having fun and getting enough rest.

    Life is short, so have fun and be healthy :)
  • I am 4'11" 123.4 lbs. (now, was 140). I was doing the same thing, not eating enough, I was averaging 800-900 calories a day. Plus exercising 3-4 times a week and I would go weeks without losing a pound, it is VERY frustrating, I know. Lately I have been making sure that I am always over 1,000 calories and try real hared to be as close to 1,200 as possible. I have even gone over a little a few times and gues what? Those were the weeks I would lose some. I found for me I also needed to pay closer attention to carbs and sugars instead of just calories. Also lot's and lot's of water. Once you figure out the right change you WILL start to see a difference. Good job on not giving up!! If you would like to be friends I welcome you.
  • islandnutshel
    islandnutshel Posts: 1,143 Member

    Also, how do I tell if my body is in starvation mode?

    If you are tracking for over 40 days and not losing.

    You might be small and closer to your goal weight, and therefore it might be harder to reach your goal but 40 days of eating below the 1200 is the definition of starvation mode. To fix this you will need to slowly add healthy calories into your day. (raw seeds & nuts, avodado, fruit & Veg, whole grains...) Accept a bit of gain, it has to happen to out smart your metabolism. Add exercise to increase your metabolism. ( It is running super efficiantly because it knows it won't get much fuel so it uses what you give it so very carefully.) Make sure to eat at least half your exercise calories. Go back to your settings and set it so that you are trying to lose only one pound a week. Remember one is better then none.
    Best wishes. ( by the way, I am not being critical, it's just that I went through this in my first month of MFP, seems so logical now:)
  • MzBug
    MzBug Posts: 2,173 Member
    Good job on logging everything every day! It is a good habit to get into.

    You don't have that much to lose, and it would make sense that if you ate less of what you had been eatting that you would lose weight.... but our bodies sometimes defy logic. You are not eatting enough of what the body needs to function at full level. When you eat so little and so sporadically your body will hold on to and store what ever you give it because it doesn't know when it will get more. If you regulate your eatting times such as every 3-4 hours or so your body becomes used to it and comes to expect something every few hours, so it will let go of what it has in storage to be used as fuel because it knows it will get more soon.

    You also are relying too heavily on take out or packaged foods. They are loaded with sodium, sugars, carbs and fats that tend to get stored quickly when eatting so little. You can actually eat MORE food when you have lots of vegies and some fruit in your meals. Try for a bit more protein and less bread or pasta.

    Yes you can lose weight without doing a bunch of exercise. Weight loss is 70% nutrition and portion control and 30% exercise. If you do some research and find a nutritious food plan you can live with you will lose weight.

    Good Luck!
  • SouthernBell86
    SouthernBell86 Posts: 275 Member
    Ooh, PS - here is a great thread to read about this issue: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/3047-700-calories-a-day-and-not-losing

    It explains why the super low calorie thing won't work, and how to slowly work your way up! Good luck!
  • Ver2
    Ver2 Posts: 37
    Thanks guys, I'm going to try to eat 50 within the 1200 and let you guys know how it goes. You guys are an awesome support group. I'll also fill this huge bottle of water and make sure that I finish it everyday because I really haven't been drinking enough at all.
  • Ver2
    Ver2 Posts: 37
    Hey guys, I've been eating at 1200 cal/day now for two months and I still haven't lost any weight...I haven't gained any either, so I guess if I'm going to be maintaining that I'd rather be able to eat 1200 than 800, haha...I'm trying to lose weight though!

    The only thing is that I go over my fat and sugar fairly often, but I'm not sure how those %s are calculated and I thought that in terms of weight loss that it doesn't matter where the calories come from (which sounds pretty untrue now that I think about it)...

    Any suggestions? Am I still eating too few calories? I feel like I'm going to be too full if I eat any more than I already do though. :/
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